Zionist regime is melting down: Ayatollah Khamenei

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Monday that the Operation Al-Aqsa Storm pushed the Zionist regime to the coroner to the extent that there is no way to be rescued

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Monday that the Operation Al-Aqsa Storm pushed the Zionist regime to the coroner to the extent that there is no way to be rescued.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution made the remarks as Iran is marking the 35th anniversary of the demise of Imam Khomeini. “Even though the United States and many Western countries still continue supporting this regime, they also know that there is no salvation for this occupation regime,” he stated.

Ayatollah Khamenei went on to say that the Operation Al-Aqsa Storm happened in a “proper time” and did a great blow to the Zionist regime that changed its fate. “Al-Aqsa Storm put the Zionist regime on a path that its result is nothing other than extinction and destruction,” the Leader pointed out.
Western analysts believe that the Zionist regime suffered a “heavy defeat” at hands of the resistance groups in Palestine and also a Western expert has said the Operation Al-Aqsa Storm changed the face of the world, Ayatollah Khamenei stated.

“Imam Khomeini’s prediction about Israel is coming true”
The Leader went on to say that Imam Khomeini suggested that the Palestinians should regain their rights in the battlefield and “force the Zionist regime to back down”.

The Leader also said, “What Imam Khomeini predicted about the future of Palestine is being realized today.”
Ayatollah Khamenei went on to say that the Zionist regime has launched a “nervous” and “savage” attack on the Palestinian people as they see that their “plots have been aborted.”

“Palestine has become first issue of the world”
Now Palestine has “turned into the first issue of the world” as anti-Israeli protests are being held in universities in London, Paris, the United States and elsewhere, he pointed out.
Recently, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution wrote a message to students in American universities praising them for standing on the right side of history.
“US will be forced to abandon support for Israel”
Ayatollah Khamenei also said the United States will be finally forced to give up support for Israel. “For many years American-Zionist propaganda and media centers made efforts to put the issue of Palestine into oblivion but now Palestine is the first issue of the world due to the Al-Aqsa (Storm Operation) and the United States has also become passive in the face of global consensus of nations and sooner or later it will be forced to abandon support for the Zionist regime.”

“Miscalculation led Israel to dead-end tunnel”
Ayatollah Khamenei concluded his remarks by praising the Palestinians’ resistance in the face of the regime’s atrocities.
The Zionist regime made a “miscalculation” about the abilities of the resistance front in Gaza and it entered a “dead-end tunnel” that is bringing it repeated defeats and “there is no salvation from this deadlock,” the Leader noted.
“Even Zionists have realized Israel is melting down”
The Leader went on to say that Israel is on the path to extinction, and this has even been realized by the Zionists themselves.
“The Zionist regime, despite propaganda campaigns by the West, is melting down before the eyes of the people in the world, and not only the nations but also many politicians in the world and even Zionists have realized this fact.”