Window of opportunity to West not to remain open

TEHRAN, Mar. 07 (MNA) – Iran’s permanent representative to Vienna-based international organizations reiterated that Iran’s window of opportunity to the West will not be open for always. “European countries and the United States are in a position to live up to their commitments, and they should be aware that this window of opportunity will not […]

TEHRAN, Mar. 07 (MNA) – Iran’s permanent representative to Vienna-based international organizations reiterated that Iran’s window of opportunity to the West will not be open for always.

“European countries and the United States are in a position to live up to their commitments, and they should be aware that this window of opportunity will not always be open,” Kazem Gharibabadi told an Iranian daily on Sunday.

Being questioned about the latest movement of E3, stepping back from their stances toward Iran and the drafted anti-Iranian resolution, he said: “There is no doubt that if the resolution was passed, the atmosphere of interaction and cooperation between Iran and the IAEA and the political atmosphere surrounding the JCPOA and sanctions removal would be completely affected for various reasons.”

“With the recent joint agreement between Iran and the IAEA, a three-month opportunity for the other parties has been created,” he said noting that they would better seize the opportunity for the window will note remain open for always.

In his earlier remarks on Sat. the Iranian official said the E3 gave themselves another chance by suspending the resolution process at the International Atomic Energy Agency’s Board of Governors.

“I must say that the three countries have, in fact, given themselves another opportunity to act in the light of inaction and non-compliance with their obligations under the JCPOA, on the one hand, and not destroying the atmosphere of diplomacy and cooperation between Iran and the IAEA on the other,” he added.