Whatever Americans intend will not be materialized: Zarif

TEHRAN, Aug. 01 (MNA) – Stating that the US is not a superpower, Iran Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said that whatever the Americans intend is not going to be materialized. “The fact that the United States and Europe are not adhering to their commitments and have not been able to fulfill their promise does […]

TEHRAN, Aug. 01 (MNA) – Stating that the US is not a superpower, Iran Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said that whatever the Americans intend is not going to be materialized.

“The fact that the United States and Europe are not adhering to their commitments and have not been able to fulfill their promise does not mean that we trusted them, it does not mean that we negotiated badly, but it does indicate that there are a number of countries in the world that are not committed to the international laws,” Zarif told reporters on the sidelines of the last cabinet meeting of the outgoing administration on Sunday.

“We, as the Islamic Republic, have a duty to interact with the world but we must not trust anyone. We should not trust anyone in international relations. Even the closest neighbor, friend and ally cannot be trusted. Of course, we do not have an ally,” he added. “I testify that none of the negotiators ever trusted the United States. If we wanted to trust, the result would be the same two-page document that Trump signed with some. We ended up [the negotiations] with 160 pages of the document to express all dimensions.”

The Foreign minister stressed, “We should not think whatever the Americans intend is going to be materialized. The US is not a superpower.”

“We defeated the Americans in issues related to the JCPOA. When they wanted to leave the JCPOA despite the fact that American economic power was able to put pressure on the people, but three times in two months, the Americans failed at the United Nations. This is unprecedented. Our people have proved to the world that the one who must change his behavior is the US,” Zarif noted.