کل اخبار 10952 اخبار امروز : 0
  • تاریخ : چهارشنبه, ۱۳ تیر , ۱۴۰۳
  • برابر با : Wednesday - 3 - July - 2024
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    Tourism Archives | صفحه ۵ از ۷

    صنعت گردشگری، یک اقتصاد جدید در دنیا ایجاد کرده است
    مهر ۳۰, ۱۳۹۷

    صنعت گردشگری، یک اقتصاد جدید در دنیا ایجاد کرده است

    رییس سازمان میراث فرهنگی، صنایع دستی و گردشگری گفت: سرعت اشتغال در گردشگری دو برابر سایر بخش‌ها است. با ۵۰ میلیون تومان در گردشگری می‌توانیم شغل ایجاد کنیم در حالی که در سایر بخش‌ها به۵۰۰ میلیون تومان برای ایجاد شغل نیاز داریم. علی‌اصغر مونسان، دیروز (یکشنبه) در نشست مشترک با فعالان گردشگری و هنرمندان صنایع دستی استان اصفهان، اظهار کرد: گردشگری در اقتصاد جهانی نقش ایفا می‌کند و بدل به صنعت شده و اقتصاد جدیدی را باز کرده است به طوری که بخش مهم کسب درآمد برای کشورها است. از ۱۹۵۰ تا امروز تعداد گردشگران به یک میلیارد ۳۰۰ میلیون رسیده است و بسیاری از کشورهای جهان مشکل اقتصاد خود را از این طریق حل کرده‌اند.

    Julfa :Important Cultural Center
    مهر ۲۹, ۱۳۹۷

    Julfa :Important Cultural Center

    By 1640 New Julfa had grown into an important cultural center of high repute with many public buildings, including churches, markets, and bath houses, as well as private residences and workshops. Four bridges over the Zāyandarud connected the Armenian settlement with Isfahan, and today the Mārnun Bridge, the Ḵᵛāju Bridge, and the Čārbāḡ Bridge are still standing. The Čārbāḡ Bridge, commonly called Si-o-seh pol, is at the end of Čārbāḡ Avenue. For Armenians its 33 (Pers. si-o-seh) arches symbolize the 33 years that Jesus Christ lived on earth, but the bridge is also associated with Allāhverdi Khan (d. 1662), a Safavid ḡolām of Armenian origin.

    Central Iran Gems :Ardestan , Zavareh
    مهر ۲۸, ۱۳۹۷

    Central Iran Gems :Ardestan , Zavareh

    During the Xth century, the city of Bukhara in today’s Uzbekistan became the capital of the Samanid Kingdom which included north-eastern Iran. The Samanids claimed to descend from a Sassanid general and they only formally acknowledged the suzerainty of the Arab Caliphs of Baghdad over their kingdom.

    Isfahan : Half the World
    مهر ۲۴, ۱۳۹۷

    Isfahan : Half the World

    Isfahan was once one of the largest and most important cities in Central Asia, positioned as it is at the crossroads of the main north-south and east-west trade routes that cross Central Asia. The city was the splendid capital of the Seljuq and Safavid dynasties, and is renowned for its beauty, which has given rise to the Iranian saying that “Isfahan is half the world”.

    Maranjab Desert: Sand Dunes And Salt Lakes Adventures
    مهر ۲۲, ۱۳۹۷

    Maranjab Desert: Sand Dunes And Salt Lakes Adventures

    Desert adventures have been trending around the world for a couple of years now and Iran is no exception. With two humongous deserts stretching from north-east to south there’s way too many places to choose from. While deserts might not be the ideal family or couple destination, they are one of the most incredible places to go with a group of friends.

    Niasar Fire Temple:  Unique Sassanid Monument
    مهر ۱۹, ۱۳۹۷

    Niasar Fire Temple: Unique Sassanid Monument

    The Niasar Fire Temple is a structure with a dome over a rock at the highest point of Niasar Village, located 28 kilometers west of Kashan city, Isfahan province.

    Natanz attractions not just for nuclear issues
    مهر ۱۸, ۱۳۹۷

    Natanz attractions not just for nuclear issues

    For more than a decade, the name of Natanz in Isfahan province has been associated with its nuclear energy facility. A Google search provides 413,000 instances most of which pertain to nuclear issues. However, to an Iranian, it brings to mind rare and unique mementos such as a type of pear grown in Tameh Village.

    Uncover Beauties Of Isfahan
    مهر ۱۶, ۱۳۹۷

    Uncover Beauties Of Isfahan

    Esfoon, as the locals say, is one of the cities not to miss when you plan to visit Iran. Located in the south of Teheran, the former capital is mainly known for its famous rose, but also for its wonderful historical monuments, huge parks and traditional houses turned into hotels and restaurants visited by tourists from all around the world.

    گران‌ترین و ارزان‌ترین مسیرهای هوایی کدامند؟ اوج و فرود بلیت هواپیما!!!
    مهر ۱۶, ۱۳۹۷

    گران‌ترین و ارزان‌ترین مسیرهای هوایی کدامند؟ اوج و فرود بلیت هواپیما!!!

    حدود یک ماه بعد از انتشار عکس هایی از پرواز هواپیماها با صندلی های خالی و فرودگاه هایی که کاهش تعداد مسافران را به نمایش می‌گذاشت‌، حالا کاهش قیمت بلیت هواپیما حسابی خبر ساز شد. کاهشی که بسیاری دلیل آن را در افت قیمت دلار
    می دانند به گفته آرمان بیات کارشناس صنعت هوایی نوعی مهندسی قیمت در صنعت هوایی است.

    Isfahan Old Houses:treasury In Isfahan From Safavid Era To Qajar Period
    مهر ۱۵, ۱۳۹۷

    Isfahan Old Houses:treasury In Isfahan From Safavid Era To Qajar Period

    There is a treasury of old houses in Isfahan from Safavid era to Qajar period. Unfortunately, several old houses were destroyed. Construction of new streets, especially in historic axis of Isfahan, which dates back to Safavid and Qajar dynasty, is an unforgivable mistake.

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