کل اخبار 11155 اخبار امروز : 10
  • تاریخ : دوشنبه, ۱ مرداد , ۱۴۰۳
  • برابر با : Monday - 22 - July - 2024
  • ساعت :


    Iranian diplomats miss UNSC meeting on Gaza after U.S. delays visas
    آذر ۱۱, ۱۴۰۲

    Iranian diplomats miss UNSC meeting on Gaza after U.S. delays visas

    The United States has prevented Iranian diplomats from taking part in a United Nations Security Council meeting which was scheduled to take place on Wednesday to discuss the ongoing conflict in Gaza. “The U.S. government has delayed issuing visas for me and other Iranian officials, which has prevented us from participating in a meeting being […]

    نسل کشی ایرانیان در جنگ جهانی اول از اهداف کانون یهود بود
    آذر ۹, ۱۴۰۲

    نسل کشی ایرانیان در جنگ جهانی اول از اهداف کانون یهود بود

    این اسناد امروز در هشتاد جلد چاپ شده و باید بازخوانی شود تا دست آمریکا برای نسل نو رو شود و یکی از موضوعات مهم این اسناد درخصوص روابط ایران و اسراییل در عصر پهلوی است

    U.S. signals disinterest in wider war, Iran FM says amidst Gaza truce
    آذر ۵, ۱۴۰۲

    U.S. signals disinterest in wider war, Iran FM says amidst Gaza truce

    In the wake of a four-day truce in the war between Israel and resistance fighters in the Gaza Strip, Iran’s foreign minister has revealed that the United States has conveyed messages indicating a lack of interest in escalating the conflict. Hossein Amir Abdollahian shed light on diplomatic communications received from the U.S. suggesting a reluctance […]

    Biden considers post-Gaza scenario
    آذر ۲, ۱۴۰۲

    Biden considers post-Gaza scenario

    In a commentary by Kourosh Ahmadi, a former Iranian diplomat, the Shargh newspaper takes a look into Joe Biden’s article in The Washington Post. The paper interprets his article as a manifestation of the White House’s concern for Gaza’s future. According to Ahmadi, Biden’s piece, outlining a roadmap for Palestine, reflects the U.S. authorities’s deliberations […]

    Respect for Washington is in the gutter…
    آذر ۱, ۱۴۰۲

    Respect for Washington is in the gutter…

    I have a son who happens to be doctor at Johns Hopkins hospital in Baltimore, Maryland. His father-in-law also is a doctor at Hopkins serving as a pediatric heart specialist. One of the immediate doctor colleagues of the son’s father in law is one Dr. Darren Klugman, who outraged hundreds of subscribers on X (formerly […]

    ‘Iran does not want Israel war in Gaza to spread, but U.S. policy makes it possible’
    آبان ۳۰, ۱۴۰۲

    ‘Iran does not want Israel war in Gaza to spread, but U.S. policy makes it possible’

    Although Iran states that it opposes the murderous war that Israel is waging on the Gaza Strip, the strategy that the U.S. and the Israeli regime are using in the region makes the conflict’s expansion highly likely. Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian made the remarks in an interview with Financial Times during a recent […]

    Arman-e-Melli: America›s demand to China about Iran
    آبان ۲۹, ۱۴۰۲

    Arman-e-Melli: America›s demand to China about Iran

    Arman-e-Melli wrote in an article: After the four-hour meeting and conversation between Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping, a senior American official said that Biden asked China to use its influence with Iran and ask Tehran to stop what it called “provocative actions”. This demand has been raised by Biden while the United States […]

    ‘U.S. providing Israel with weapons, playing major role in ensuring its survival’
    آبان ۲۳, ۱۴۰۲

    ‘U.S. providing Israel with weapons, playing major role in ensuring its survival’

    Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has said that the U.S. is the primary source of weaponry that the Israeli regime uses to murder Palestinian women and children, describing it as playing a major role in ensuring the regime’s survival. Raisi made the statements while speaking to media in Tehran early Sunday after returning from an extraordinary […]

    اقدام ناوهای آمریکایی، پاسخ کوبنده ایران را به‌دنبال خواهد داشت
    مرداد ۲۲, ۱۴۰۲

    اقدام ناوهای آمریکایی، پاسخ کوبنده ایران را به‌دنبال خواهد داشت

    آمریکایی‌ها در همه این سال‌هایی که گذشت در اقدام نظامی علیه ایران کاری از پیش نبردند و ما توانستیم حتی در روزهایی که سلاح و تجهیزات نداشتیم، دشمن را سر جای خود بنشانیم

    دشمن به‌دنبال امتیاز گرفتن در مذاکرات بود
    آبان ۲۴, ۱۴۰۱

    دشمن به‌دنبال امتیاز گرفتن در مذاکرات بود

    براساس برخی گزارش‌های نیروی تروریستی سنت‌کام، آمریکا به این نتیجه رسیده و طی گزارشی اعلام کرده که اگر تا ۲-۳ سال آینده نتوانند با ایران اسلامی مقابله کنند دیگر امکان مقابله با آن وجود ندارد و از تیرراس خارج می‌شود، به همین دلیل با برنامه‌ریزی منسجم به دنبال این بودند تا با یک حرکت سریع ایران را به‌هم بریزند و در برابر قوت‌های ایران اسلامی و مبتنی بر ضعف‌ها در حوزه‌های جوانان، زنان، دانشگاه‌ها، شایعه پذیری و امثال آن برنامه‌ریزی داشتند

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