Space technology, future market for Iranian entrepreneurs

About half a century ago, human left footprints on the moon. For years, space technology was associated in the mind of public with launching satellites, astronauts in their weird costume exploring other planets. Space technology was unreachable and done behind closed doors! However today the space is not limited to looking to stars and space […]

About half a century ago, human left footprints on the moon. For years, space technology was associated in the mind of public with launching satellites, astronauts in their weird costume exploring other planets. Space technology was unreachable and done behind closed doors!

However today the space is not limited to looking to stars and space centers. Nations face private funding, advances in technology and growing private-sector interest in space technology, which make it different from what we previously perceived.

Iran, as a country which has made several achievements in space technology in recent decades, is not an exception. Now, the Iranian Space Agency (ISA) promotes space-based businesses as one of the main factors for development of the country.

In an interview with YJC, the director of ISA space-based businesses development department Shabnam Yazdani said that the agency encouraged entrepreneurs to provide space-based creative solutions for challenges and problems Iran deals with.

She said that ISA provides necessary data as well as some ideas for entrepreneurs to start their business for solving problems.

Smart agriculture and space technology

The space-based business and technology have a great impact on smart agriculture, which leads to a better process from seeding to harvesting.

The space-based business and startups can give consult to farmers in order to modify their cropping pattern and farm management, which leads to improvement of their harvest and increase its quality.

In mid-January, an agreement was signed between the agriculture research and development technology fund and ISA, in order to provide some facilities and data for the startups active in the field of smart agriculture.

today the space is not limited to looking to stars and space centers. Nations face private funding, advances in technology and growing private-sector interest in space technology, which make it different from what we previously perceived

However the startups need some meteorological data as well as some information provided by drones for their services and the government can lay infrastructure for them to use these data.

Some startups in Iran have recently been launched providing services for farmers with some space-based data on meteorology and smart agriculture.

Smart city is fulfilled through space technology

The urban development nowadays is link with smart cities. The future cities are the places in which, the facilities and services are provided by hi-tech solutions, hence, no one can undermined the role of space-based services.

According to statista, smart cities, also commonly known as cyberville, digital cities, intelligent cities, and wired cities, are urban areas that collect electronic data from citizens, devices, and assets to manage available resources more efficiently.

A wide range of information and communications technology (ICT) applications are executed to enhance, reduce costs and resource use, as well as increase the communication between government and citizens. Ideally, these applications can enhance knowledge and innovations, promote working environments, and connect technology and society.

Space-based data and service can provide information with public transportation and energy efficiency.

Besides, driverless cars and electronic identity are main factors for having a smart city and can manage air pollution as a part of urban development through space-based technology.

Some navigation apps and startups has recently launched in the country to boost the concept of smart city.

Natural disaster and space technology

Measuring and anticipating the effects of is important in order to implement measures to mitigate the effects of disasters.

The space technology through satellite-derived information can have a crucial role in all phases of crisis management. The space-based technology also provides information for post-disaster response, recovery and reconstruction planning.

The satellite data can provide information about the places with concentrations of population, which are more vulnerable during disasters and decrease the risk.

By Setareh Behroozi