کل اخبار 11163 اخبار امروز : 0
  • تاریخ : سه شنبه, ۲ مرداد , ۱۴۰۳
  • برابر با : Tuesday - 23 - July - 2024
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    Politic Archives | صفحه ۱۰۹ از ۱۳۷

    Iranian nation once again slapped US in the face: IRGC chief
    آذر ۱۶, ۱۳۹۸

    Iranian nation once again slapped US in the face: IRGC chief

    TEHRAN, Dec. 04 (MNA) – Commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) lauded the Iranians’ victory in thwarting the enemy’s plot to take advantage of the government’s gas price hike as an opportunity to commit acts of violence and vandalism, saying the nation slapped the US in the face again. “The enemies were looking […]

    Canadian Analyst Highlights US Hypocrisy on Freedom of Speech
    آذر ۱۴, ۱۳۹۸

    Canadian Analyst Highlights US Hypocrisy on Freedom of Speech

    TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A Canadian political expert highlighted the US government’s double standards on the freedom of speech right and said Washington has no problem with hate speech against Muslims but rejects “any corresponding right to speak freely in criticizing Zionism”. “…we are now seeing that the establishment has no difficulty whatsoever invoking freedom of […]

    Iran’s deterrent power impenetrable, invincible: Maj. Gen. Bagheri
    آذر ۱۴, ۱۳۹۸

    Iran’s deterrent power impenetrable, invincible: Maj. Gen. Bagheri

    TEHRAN, Dec. 05 (MNA) – Chief of General Staff of Iranian Armed Force says the country’s military and security power is impenetrable and invincible, thanks to the numerous achievements in the defense sector. “Today, we have reached complete self-sufficiency in the defense sector, and such power has brought about a great military and deterrent power […]

    Courts Order US to Pay $130bln to Iranian Citizens in Damages
    آذر ۱۳, ۱۳۹۸

    Courts Order US to Pay $130bln to Iranian Citizens in Damages

    TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s courts have ordered the US government to pay ordinary Iranian plaintiffs a sum of $130 billion in damages caused by Washington’s crimes, Iran’s Judiciary spokesman announced Tuesday. Speaking at a press conference in Tehran, Gholam Hossein Esmaeili said the Iranian citizens, not the government, have filed more than 360 complaints against […]

    ۳ surveillance-training Chakavak aircraft join Iran’s naval fleet
    آذر ۱۳, ۱۳۹۸

    ۳ surveillance-training Chakavak aircraft join Iran’s naval fleet

    Tehran (ISNA) – Three surveillance-training Chakavak aircraft joined Iran’s naval fleet on Tuesday. During the ceremony held in Bandar Abbas, Iran’s Navy Commander Rear Admiral Hossein Khanzadi said, “We seek to boost knowledge, science and skills of our pilots in naval fleet”. The aircraft has been designed and manufactured by a domestic knowledge-based company. This […]

    China, Iran agree to uphold JCPOA
    آذر ۱۲, ۱۳۹۸

    China, Iran agree to uphold JCPOA

    Tehran (ISNA) – China and Iran have agreed to uphold the 2015 nuclear deal and the two sides reached several agreements on Sunday after talks. Chinese Vice Foreign Minister, Ma Zhaoxu and his Iranian counterpart Abbas Araqchi have agreed to honor the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action “JCPOA”. The Chinese diplomat said it’s a question […]

    Iran vows to respond to EU’s probable use of ‘trigger mechanism’
    آذر ۱۱, ۱۳۹۸

    Iran vows to respond to EU’s probable use of ‘trigger mechanism’

    TEHRAN, Dec. 01 (MNA) – Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani said that ‘dispute resolution mechanism’ which is also known as the trigger mechanism exists for both sides of the deal and Iran can use it as well. “If Europeans use the trigger mechanism, Iran will have to reconsider some of its commitments to IAEA; there […]

    Iran’s Intelligence Ministry issues announcement on Iran International TV
    آذر ۱۱, ۱۳۹۸

    Iran’s Intelligence Ministry issues announcement on Iran International TV

    Tehran (ISNA) – Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence announced that it considers actions by Iran International TV and its staff as cooperation with Iran’s foes in terrorist acts. “Iran International television channel which has been founded by enormous budget supplied by Israel and received activity license in UK, entered the stage with sedition order and focused […]

    آذر ۱۰, ۱۳۹۸

    Iranian scientist jailed in US awaiting US Judicial System’s decision TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) – According to an official at Tarbiat Modares University in Tehran, the case of an Iranian university professor who has been jailed by the US authorities is incomplete after a year due to lack of evidence and has been sent to […]

    Tehran, Damascus Ink MoU on Syria Reconstruction
    آذر ۷, ۱۳۹۸

    Tehran, Damascus Ink MoU on Syria Reconstruction

    TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran and Syria signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to establish three joint companies in a bid to accelerate the reconstruction of the Arab country, which has been stricken by more than eight-and-a-half years of foreign-backed civil war. The MoU was signed during a ceremony in Tehran on Tuesday evening with Iranian Minister […]

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