Nearly 268,000 tons of aluminum ingots produced in 5 months

Production of aluminum ingot in Iran stood at 267,983 tons in the first five months of the current Iranian calendar year (March 21-August 22), according to the data released by Iranian Mines and Mining Industries Development and Renovation Organization (IMIDRO).

Production of aluminum ingot in Iran stood at 267,983 tons in the first five months of the current Iranian calendar year (March 21-August 22), according to the data released by Iranian Mines and Mining Industries Development and Renovation Organization (IMIDRO).
As reported, the production of aluminum ingot in the first five months of the current year fell one percent compared to the last year’s same period when the figure was 271,226 tons.
Among the country’s four major producers, South Aluminum Corporation (SALCO) had the best performance in the first five months of the present year, producing 119,886 tons of aluminum ingots, followed by Iranian Aluminum Company (IRALCO) producing 71,984 tons, Almahdi Aluminum Company producing 60,778 tons, and Iran Alumina Company producing 15,335 tons of ingots.
Based on the data previously released by IMIDRO, the production of aluminum ingot stood at 632,166 tons in Iran during the past Iranian calendar year 1401 (ended on March 20).
Among the country’s four major producers, South Aluminum Corporation (SALCO) had the best performance in the past year, producing 270,185 tons of aluminum ingots, followed by Iranian Aluminum Company (IRALCO) producing 178,077 tons, Almahdi Aluminum Company producing 147,749 tons, and Iran Alumina Company producing 36,155 tons of the product.
Iranian officials estimate the country’s aluminum sector has a value of $22 billion, which is sufficient to meet the country’s aluminum needs.
At present, Iran is the 18th biggest aluminum-producing country in the world.