Israel’s Eliyahu is criminally insane: nuclear physicist

A senior nuclear physicist describes Israeli far-right minister Amihai Eliyahu who proposed using nuclear arms against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip as “criminally insane”. Frank N. von Hippel, who is also a professor of public and international affairs emeritus with Princeton’s Program on Science and Global Security, tells the Tehran Times that he does think […]

A senior nuclear physicist describes Israeli far-right minister Amihai Eliyahu who proposed using nuclear arms against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip as “criminally insane”.
Frank N. von Hippel, who is also a professor of public and international affairs emeritus with Princeton’s Program on Science and Global Security, tells the Tehran Times that he does think that this “criminal statement” by a “lunatic” like Eliyahu “changes the situation significantly” in the ground.
The following is the text of the interview:
Q: Amihai Eliyahu, an Israeli far-right minister, has said that “one of Israel’s options in the war in Gaza is to drop a nuclear bomb on the Strip.” What does this dangerous threat indicate?
A: I would take it as an indication that Eliyahu is criminally insane and I am glad Prime Minister Netanyahu, whose policies toward the Palestinians I also find abhorrent, immediately removed Eliyahu from the cabinet.
Q: Don’t you think the statement by Eliyahu was a bombshell to the extent that it can prompt other countries in the region to go after atomic bombs and a nuclear arms race begin in the region?
A: I hope Eliyahu’s immediate removal from Israel’s cabinet has limited the damage to the nuclear nonproliferation regime caused by his statement.
Q: Some analysts claim that Eliyahu’s threat was in coordination with top officials in Israel and that the criticism against him or his suspension was superficial. What do you think?
A: Netanyahu’s cabinet is disturbingly insensitive to civilian casualties in Gaza, but I doubt that, even in Israel’s extremist cabinet, there has been any serious discussion of the use of nuclear weapons against Gaza.
Q: Also, some political analysts say the nuclear threat by Eliyahu was mainly aimed at Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt. What is your view?
A: Everyone knows that Israel has nuclear weapons. That constitutes some kind of deterrent against an attack that would threaten Israel’s existence. Certainly, a lunatic like Eliyahu suggesting the use of nuclear weapons against innocent refugees would not significantly increase that deterrent.
Q: Now what is the main duty of the IAEA and the international community at large given that Israel openly admits it has nuclear weapons?
A: The international community – especially the US – opposed Israel’s acquisition of nuclear weapons. The Nonproliferation Treaty review process has forced the discussion of Israel’s possession of nuclear weapons and what can be done about it to achieve a nuclear weapons free zone in the Middle East. I don’t think that this criminal statement by a lunatic – from which Israel’s Prime Minister quickly distanced himself – changes the situation significantly.
Q: Given such an open threat of nuclear weapons, what is the importance of a nuclear arms-free zone in the Middle East?
A: I support a Middle East Nuclear Weapons Free Zone. I support a Nuclear Weapons Free World. There are already too many dangers to the future of civilization. I have devoted my career to reducing the danger from nuclear weapons and will continue to do so as long as I am able.