Iranian Army most powerful, different in world

By: Mehdi Azizi TEHRAN, Apr. 17 (MNA) – The Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran and in general the Armed Forces have a distinct and unique feature compared to the structure of other armies, especially regional and Arabic ones. The Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran and in general the Armed Forces have […]

By: Mehdi Azizi

TEHRAN, Apr. 17 (MNA) – The Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran and in general the Armed Forces have a distinct and unique feature compared to the structure of other armies, especially regional and Arabic ones.

The Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran and in general the Armed Forces have a distinct and unique feature compared to other military organizations, especially regional and Arabic armies. This fact is based on the elements other armies either do not possess or have at a small level or perhaps do not have the capabilities to develop such elements.

American politicians need to motivate their servicemen not for the purpose of defending the American nation or their values but to keep their military personal ready in the army, especially when these soldiers have been in the Middle East for a long time without any goal and just for killing.

A number of Arabic counties show some wonderful and unreal actions scenes in their TVs like Hollywood movies in which their armed forces perform astonishing things. Organized parades, epic songs, and the picture of Arab kings are only seen in TVs and in reality, the only thing they can do is suppressing the opposition.

Some of them have a rental army. The imports of modern military equipment exceed their daily needs and the increase in their military budgets is such that it has destroyed the educational sector and economic infrastructure. However, interestingly, they are not even able to use this equipment and have to rent another army.

The condition is not different in most European countries. The military is only a ceremonial office with the task of controlling the borders and it is not clear what measures it must adopt in the face of military threats.

Moral corruption, high suicide rate, and aggressive behavior are among the major features in the US army and some other military forces in the world. The presence of women in the US and the Zionist military and some European countries is only for exploitation. In other words, women are sexual prey for the American and Zionist soldiers.

In some political circles, armed forces are used as a repressing tool against the nations and to ensure the political stability of governments, not to support the people.

The “six-day war” has remained a humiliating term for Arab armies in the history of the Arab conflicts. Interestingly, in the years following these defeats, small groups of the Islamic Resistance were able to make up for this historic humiliation and stand up to the myth of the invincible Zionist regime.

Today, the Iranian Army and the Armed Forces of the country are powerful in all the fields, especially since they are independent and have the support of people.

The significant point regarding the Iranian Army and the Armed Forces is that they possess the prominent capability of transferring mission area and changing it.

For example, while being prepared for military action during the war, they also have the ability to be present in the social and cultural sectors in times of peace in order to provide public service. Therefore, the Iranian Armed Forces have a large and effective presence in case of any unpredicted incident such as the recent outbreak of the coronavirus.

The Iranian Armed Forces have an important ideology both in terms of spirituality and military progress, which is reflected in the concept of martyrdom, and therefore there is no such thing as the erosion of power or losing motivation to fight in this military structure.