Iran Urges US Not to Delay Complying with Law

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – President of Iran Hassan Rouhani urged that the US administration should not procrastinate when it comes to obedience to international law. Speaking at a cabinet session on Wednesday, Rouhani reiterated that Iran will resume honoring the JCPOA immediately after the US returns to the nuclear deal by fulfilling all of its commitments. […]

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – President of Iran Hassan Rouhani urged that the US administration should not procrastinate when it comes to obedience to international law.

Speaking at a cabinet session on Wednesday, Rouhani reiterated that Iran will resume honoring the JCPOA immediately after the US returns to the nuclear deal by fulfilling all of its commitments.

The Iranian president also advised his American counterpart not to shy away from returning to law and not to hesitate about implementing international regulations.

The continuation of sanctions against Iran is what the Zionists and the regional reactionary regimes are looking for, he said.

The president also stressed that the masterminds of plots against Iran have conceded defeat and acknowledge that their policies have backfired. “It means the Iranian nation’s victory.”

US President Joe Biden, one of whose campaign pledges was the US’ return to the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, has refused to lift the anti-Iranian sanctions imposed by his predecessor and has even set conditions for rejoining the deal that Donald Trump scrapped in 2018.

In remarks in February, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei said Iran has had enough of empty promises about the nuclear deal, demanding practical action on fulfillment of the JCPOA by the other parties.