Iran slams US for economic terrorism, pressure on public

TEHRAN, Jun. 12 (MNA) – Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Abbas Mousavi has lambasted Washington for its economic terrorism and pressure on the public, saying that the US government will kneel before the Iranian nation soon. Mousavi posted a screenshot of Al Arabiya’s interview the US Special Representative for Iran Brian Hook, during which he had […]

TEHRAN, Jun. 12 (MNA) – Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Abbas Mousavi has lambasted Washington for its economic terrorism and pressure on the public, saying that the US government will kneel before the Iranian nation soon.

Mousavi posted a screenshot of Al Arabiya’s interview the US Special Representative for Iran Brian Hook, during which he had expressed Washington’s happiness over the results of the pressures on Iran, and wrote, “A Government whose policy is relying on ‘knee on neck’ of either its own people or others around the world should be indeed happy with Economic Terrorism and pressure on the public.”

Mousavi stressed, “But you see that not the Iranians’ neck, but your knee was wrung. You will soon kneel in front of the Iranian Nation.”

Last week, Hook said Washington plans to continue the harsh economic sanctions policy against the Islamic Republic in an attempt to bring it to the negotiating table on issues such as the nuclear program.

He said the US would like to see Iran negotiate a new nuclear agreement.

Washington’s so-called maximum pressure campaign against Tehran officially started when Republican President Donald Trump unilaterally pulled his country out of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in May 2018.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, in a cabinet session on Wednesday, took a swipe at the US for exerting pressures on others, saying that ‘kneeling on neck’ has been a policy of the US since long ago.

“They [Americans] have always been like this throughout history. They have pressed their knee on the neck of every oppressed person they have found in order to kill him. This is their policy, not the policy of a single cop in a single city. This is basically the US policy.”

“But the great Iranian nation broke that knee. They (Americans) wanted to do the same in 2018. They brought the knee close to the throat of the (Iranian) nation. But our dear nation smashed their knee with the giant sledgehammer of national unity and solidarity. Now they (Americans) have no knee anymore to put pressure on the Iranian nation,” the president said.