Iran Condemns Revocation of US Waivers on Nuclear Cooperation

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson strongly condemned the US’ decision to revoke nearly all sanctions waivers covering other countries’ nuclear cooperation with Tehran. In comments on Saturday, Seyed Abbas Mousavi denounced the US to end sanctions waivers on nuclear cooperation with Iran as a clear violation of the UN Security Council Resolution 2231 […]

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson strongly condemned the US’ decision to revoke nearly all sanctions waivers covering other countries’ nuclear cooperation with Tehran.

In comments on Saturday, Seyed Abbas Mousavi denounced the US to end sanctions waivers on nuclear cooperation with Iran as a clear violation of the UN Security Council Resolution 2231 and of the UN Charter.

“Such a measure ignores the Islamic Republic of Iran’s inherent rights and disrupts international public order,” the spokesperson added.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran is closely monitoring the technical and political impacts of this move, and will take the necessary practical and legal steps if it results in negative effects on Iran’s nuclear rights under international documents and the contents of the JCPOA,” he warned.

The US administration announced on Wednesday it is ending nearly all of the last vestiges of sanctions relief provided under the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said he would revoke all but one of sanctions waivers covering civil nuclear cooperation. The waivers had allowed Russian, European and Chinese companies to continue to work on Iran’s civilian nuclear facilities without drawing American penalties.