How to Feel Calm and Relaxed

Getting stressed out can be frustrating, but everyone experiences it so you aren’t alone. Don’t worry if you feel anxious or have trouble trying to relax because there are many things you can do to keep your cool. Try various methods, from breathing exercises to reframing your mindset, to find out what works best for […]

Getting stressed out can be frustrating, but everyone experiences it so you aren’t alone. Don’t worry if you feel anxious or have trouble trying to relax because there are many things you can do to keep your cool. Try various methods, from breathing exercises to reframing your mindset, to find out what works best for you since everyone handles stress a little differently. Hopefully with a little practice, you’ll be able to stay calm no matter the situation.

Staying Calm during a Stressful Event

Take deep breaths to help you relax. If you feel overwhelmed, take a few seconds to get in a comfortable position and take a deep breath through your nose for 4 counts. Hold your breath in for 7 counts before exhaling through your mouth slowly for a full 8 counts. Keep breathing like this 3–۵ times and notice how your body feels more at ease when you’re finished.[1]
Watch or imagine something funny to lighten your mood. Laughter can be the best medicine when you’re feeling stressed since it immediately relieves the tension you’re feeling. If you have time, turn on a short and funny video on YouTube, listen to your favorite comedian, or picture a funny image in your head. [3]

Visualize being in a place that relaxes you for 1–۲ minutes. Close your eyes and imagine resting far away on a desert island, walking in a field of flowers, or going somewhere else that makes you feel calm. Think about what you see, smell, hear, feel, and taste there so you can picture yourself there better and distract yourself from how you’re feeling right now. When you feel more relaxed, open your eyes and notice how your body feels.[4]

• Even picturing something like eating a comforting meal can help you feel at ease.

• Try to remember a memory where you felt relaxed or excited to boost your mood even more.
Stay focused on the task you need to complete. Keeping your mind on what you need to do rather than your stress will help pass time more quickly so you’re not stressing about it as long. Start with the most complicated tasks first so you get them out of the way before working on the easier things. Do the best that you can so you know that you put your best foot forward.[5]
• For example, if you are taking an exam, take your time. Carefully comprehend each question and focus on what you already have studied and memorized.
• Everyone responds to stress differently. If you get agitated or angry when you’re stressed, take some time to relax first. If you normally get spaced out or withdrawn, try to fight stress with a stimulating and energizing activity instead.

Reducing Daily Stress

Plan ahead if you can to prepare for stressful events in the future. As soon as you know about something that would normally stress you out, make a list of the things you need to get done. Schedule yourself plenty of time to finish the task so you don’t feel rushed to complete them later on.
Think positively about yourself. It’s normal to have negative thoughts from time to time, but take some time to think about your day to notice the positive things that have happened to you.
Take some time to unplug from technology. Constantly checking social media, text messages, and emails can cause a lot of stress.[9]