کل اخبار 11155 اخبار امروز : 10
  • تاریخ : دوشنبه, ۱ مرداد , ۱۴۰۳
  • برابر با : Monday - 22 - July - 2024
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    Health Archives | صفحه ۱۴ از ۲۹

    ۶ Impressive Health Benefits of Black Garlic
    دی ۱۸, ۱۴۰۲

    ۶ Impressive Health Benefits of Black Garlic

    Black garlic is raw garlic that people have aged under controlled high-temperature, high-humidity conditions for several weeks. The garlic cloves turn brown, then eventually black as a result of the Millard reaction (1Trusted Source).

    Do You Really Burn More Calories While Standing?
    دی ۱۷, ۱۴۰۲

    Do You Really Burn More Calories While Standing?

    There is a small but significant difference between the calories you burn while sitting vs. standing still, but they add up.

    Some Tips to Keep Your Home Clean and Germ-Free This Winter
    دی ۱۶, ۱۴۰۲

    Some Tips to Keep Your Home Clean and Germ-Free This Winter

    More indoor activity and dry indoor air can mean a higher likelihood of getting sick during the winter. Keep germs at bay with these helpful winter cleaning tips.

    ۱۲ Tips for a Speedy Flu Recovery
    دی ۱۴, ۱۴۰۲

    ۱۲ Tips for a Speedy Flu Recovery

    The best way to get over the flu fast is to rest and stay hydrated. But, there are a few additional things you can try to help yourself feel better.

    Drinks That Can Aid Digestion After a Meal
    دی ۱۳, ۱۴۰۲

    Drinks That Can Aid Digestion After a Meal

    Staying hydrated is important for digestion. Warm water, herbal teas, and certain juices can also reduce inflammation and help improve gut health.

    How to Grow Hair Faster: Some Tips for Growth
    دی ۱۲, ۱۴۰۲

    How to Grow Hair Faster: Some Tips for Growth

    Dealing with a toxic person can be mentally draining, but employing certain communication techniques can help you protect your boundaries.

    Is Salt Water Beneficial for Hair?
    دی ۱۱, ۱۴۰۲

    Is Salt Water Beneficial for Hair?

    While swimming in the sea can definitely make your hair look effortlessly beautiful (they’re called beach waves for a reason), is salt water actually good for your hair? Or should you be rinsing it out as soon as you leave the beach? In this article, we’ll explain the benefits and drawbacks of using salt water in your hair (plus, how to prevent hair damage in the long run). Let’s dive in!

    ۱۳ Healthy Foods That Are High in Folate (Folic Acid)
    دی ۱۰, ۱۴۰۲

    ۱۳ Healthy Foods That Are High in Folate (Folic Acid)

    Folate, also known as vitamin B9, is found naturally in many foods. It may also be found in the form of folic acid in fortified foods. Legumes, eggs, citrus fruits, and fortified grains are a few good sources of folate.

    ۹ Impressive Health Benefits of Fava Beans
    دی ۹, ۱۴۰۲

    ۹ Impressive Health Benefits of Fava Beans

    Fava beans are chock-full of nutrients and offer many health benefits. They contain fiber, folate, and manganese, among many other nutrients. Fava beans may also help decrease body weight or lower cholesterol.

    How to Bleach Your Teeth
    دی ۶, ۱۴۰۲

    How to Bleach Your Teeth

    Whitening or bleaching your teeth can create a more appealing and youthful smile. When done correctly, whitening is a safe and effective process that does not harm your teeth and it may even increase your self-confidence. If you want to brighten your smile, there are several options you can try. Exploring Whitening Options Bleach your […]

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