کل اخبار 10965 اخبار امروز : 0
  • تاریخ : پنجشنبه, ۱۴ تیر , ۱۴۰۳
  • برابر با : Thursday - 4 - July - 2024
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    انگلیسی Archives | صفحه ۲۲۰ از ۲۵۷

    Britain Says 88% of Imports to Face No Tariffs in Event of No-Deal Brexit
    مهر ۱۷, ۱۳۹۸

    Britain Says 88% of Imports to Face No Tariffs in Event of No-Deal Brexit

    TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Britain on Tuesday revised the tariff regime that would come into force if it leaves the European Union without a deal, making 88% of total imports by value eligible for levy free access. Seeking to balance the need to keep consumer prices down without destroying domestic producers, Britain also said under a […]

    Iran opposes any probable military operation in Syria
    مهر ۱۷, ۱۳۹۸

    Iran opposes any probable military operation in Syria

    Tehran (ISNA) – Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs called the presence of US forces in Syria as illegitimate, stressing that Washington’s decision to end the occupation of Syrian territories and withdraw its troops from the region should have implemented much earlier. “Iran hopes that the US’ decision leads to creation of peace and stability in […]

    Spokesman: Iranian, Iraqi Nations Inseparable
    مهر ۱۵, ۱۳۹۸

    Spokesman: Iranian, Iraqi Nations Inseparable

    TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The spokesperson for Iran’s administration expressed concern about the recent unrest in Iraq, stressing that “fabricated and poisonous propaganda” could never split the Iranian and Iraqi nations. Speaking at a weekly press conference on Monday, Ali Rabiee lamented the recent developments and unrest in Iraq, saying, “We are concerned about the unrest […]

    US Protesters Call for Impeachment of Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh
    مهر ۱۵, ۱۳۹۸

    US Protesters Call for Impeachment of Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh

    TEHRAN (Tasnim) – US protesters demanded impeachment of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh on the first anniversary of his confirmation during a gathering in front of the US Supreme Court in Washington, DC, on Sunday. Demonstrators also protested in front of the house of US Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. Videos published on social media […]

    Iran at peak of power: IRGC deputy
    مهر ۱۵, ۱۳۹۸

    Iran at peak of power: IRGC deputy

    TEHRAN, Oct. 07 (MNA) – Referring to US acknowledgment of Iran’s defense power, the Deputy Commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi said that Iran is now at the peak of power despite enemies’ undermining efforts. Referring to the endurance and patience of Iranians in the last 40 years since […]

    Saudi Arabia Considering Ansarullah Truce Offer: Sources
    مهر ۱۴, ۱۳۹۸

    Saudi Arabia Considering Ansarullah Truce Offer: Sources

    TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Saudi Arabia is considering a proposal by Yemen’s Houthi Ansarullah movement for a ceasefire which could help end the kingdom’s devastating war against the impoverished Arab country. The Houthis offered two weeks ago to stop aiming missile and drone attacks at Saudi Arabia if the western-backed coalition led by Riyadh does the […]

    Coral reefs in Persian Gulf dead due to climate change: official
    مهر ۱۴, ۱۳۹۸

    Coral reefs in Persian Gulf dead due to climate change: official

    TEHRAN, Oct. 05 (MNA) – Head of Islamic Republic’s Department of Environment (DoE) and deputy President, Isa Kalantari warned on Saturday that Iran is experiencing climate change with a higher pace that global average saying “majority of coral reefs are dead in the Persian Gulf due to the climate change.” He added that in case the current conditions go […]

    UK pays compensation to Bank Mellat: Iran’s ambassador to London
    مهر ۱۴, ۱۳۹۸

    UK pays compensation to Bank Mellat: Iran’s ambassador to London

    Tehran (ISNA) – Iran’s ambassador to London, Hamid Baeidinejad confirmed that British government has paid compensation to Bank Mellat based on a verdict issued four months ago. “The compensation was paid for the illegal sanctions the UK Treasury imposed on the Iranian bank in 2009,” he wrote on his official Twitter account. “The outcome the […]

    Shalamcheh border open to Arba’een pilgrims: official
    مهر ۱۳, ۱۳۹۸

    Shalamcheh border open to Arba’een pilgrims: official

    TEHRAN, Oct. 04 (MNA) – Head of Shalamcheh Border Terminal Jamal Hamidi said on Fri. that Shalamcheh border crossing is open and safe for the transit of Arba’een pilgrims to Karbala in Iraq. Presently, the crossing of pilgrims heading to Iraq for Arba’een rituals is going smoothly, he added. He pointed to the allocation of […]

    US Approves $39M Sales of Anti-Tank Missiles to Ukraine
    مهر ۱۳, ۱۳۹۸

    US Approves $39M Sales of Anti-Tank Missiles to Ukraine

    TEHRAN (Tasnim) – US Congress and the State Department have given initial approval to a $39 million sale of anti-tank missiles to Ukraine to help the country battle separatists, officials said Tuesday. Congressional aides said final approval of the sale of the Javelin missiles is expected to be announced soon after both Republicans and Democrats […]

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