Delivering gasoline to Venezuela, ‘a strong response to US bullying’: MP

TEHRAN, May 29 (MNA) – A member of Iranian Parliament said that Iran’s delivery of gasoline consignment to Venezuela was a strong and crushing response to US bullying and coercive policy. The arrival and anchoring of Iranian vessels, carrying gasoline, in Venezuela was a firm and strong response to the excessive demands and adventurism of […]

TEHRAN, May 29 (MNA) – A member of Iranian Parliament said that Iran’s delivery of gasoline consignment to Venezuela was a strong and crushing response to US bullying and coercive policy.

The arrival and anchoring of Iranian vessels, carrying gasoline, in Venezuela was a firm and strong response to the excessive demands and adventurism of the United States, the issue of which caused US bogus grandeur to shatter, Mojtaba Zonnour, representative of Qom in the Parliament, told Mehr News Agency on Friday.

“The arrival of Iranian tanker, carrying gasoline, to Venezuela showed the message of authority and dignity of Iranian nation to the world,” he added.

He reiterated, “non-aggression of the United States against Iranian oil tankers was not due to their decency. The US knows that if they attack and harass interests of Iranian nations, they have to pay higher and irreparable costs as well.”

He considered the measures taken by the Islamic Republic of Iran in forwarding fuel to Venezuela as a seal of invalidity of unjust and illegal US sanctions and its allies.

Iran has sent five tankers carrying fuel to Venezuela.

The five-tanker Iranian-flagged flotilla is carrying up to 1.53 million barrels of gasoline and components to help the country ease an acute scarcity that has forced Venezuelans to wait for hours in lines at service stations.