Best Foods To Increase Breast Milk Supply

As stress may reduce your output, try simple home remedies and foods to boost production!

As stress may reduce your output, try simple home remedies and foods to boost production!
You can increase breast milk supply naturally, so put your worries of not making enough for your child to rest.
Breast milk is vital, especially for the first few months of an infant’s life, as it contains all the essential nutrients and some protection for the baby. Ideally, to promote healthy growth and development, immune system function, and bonding, babies should only ingest breast milk for the first several months of their lives. However, if you think that your baby is still hungry after feeds or concerned with your supply, you can consume certain foods and follow certain guidelines to keep up and increase your milk supply.
Causes Of Low Breast Milk Supply
If you are wondering why you don’t have enough breast milk supply to satisfy your little one, here are some possible reasons:
• You don’t drink enough water.
• You have started breastfeeding late and not on the day of delivery.
• You are not breastfeeding often enough.
• You are taking certain medications.
• You have had previous breast surgery.
• Other factors include premature birth, high blood pressure (induced by pregnancy), maternal obesity, and diabetes.
But, why is breastfeeding so important? These facts will tell you why.
Facts About Breastfeeding – Why Is It Important?
• Human milk has the ability to boost a baby’s immunity big time.
• Breastfeeding reduces your infant’s risk of contracting diseases later in life.
• It is also beneficial to the mother and reduces her risk of developing breast cancer, heart disease, and osteoporosis.
• Breastfeeding speeds up the postpartum recovery of the mother.
• New mothers can more easily return to their pre-pregnancy weight by breastfeeding more often.
• About 75% of new moms produce more milk in their right breast as compared to their left.
• Breastfeeding lowers the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
• It can also reduce your infant’s risk of developing cavities or getting braces later in life.
• Breast milk contains certain substances that promote sleep in babies and calmness in mothers.
The amount of milk your breasts can produce has nothing to do with their shape or size.
Breastfeeding is of great significance in the early years for your baby. If you feel that your breast milk supply is not up to par, all you need to do is start consuming more of the following foods.
Best Foods To Increase Breast Milk Supply
۱. Fenugreek Seeds
You Will Need
• ۱ teaspoon of fenugreek seeds
• ۱ cup of water
• Honey
What You Have To Do
۱. Boil a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds with a cup of water in a saucepan.
۲. Simmer for 5 minutes and strain.
۳. When the tea is warm enough to drink, add a little honey.
۴. Consume fenugreek tea about 3 times daily to increase your breast milk supply.
Why This Works
Fenugreek seeds are one of the best ingredients that can increase breast milk supply. They are good sources of phytoestrogen and also exhibit galactagogue properties in nursing mothers (1).
۲. Drumsticks
You Will Need
۱/۲ cup of freshly extracted drumstick juice
What You Have To Do
Consume half a cup of freshly extracted drumstick juice once daily.
Why This Works
Drumsticks are a rich source of many nutrients that help in stimulating the mammary glands to produce more milk. Consuming drumstick juice also improves blood circulation, which, in turn, increases your breast milk supply (3).
۳. Fennel Seeds

You Will Need
• ۱ teaspoon of fennel seeds
• ۱ cup of hot water
• Honey
What You Have To Do
۱. Add a teaspoon of fennel seeds to a cup of hot water.
۲. Steep for 5 to 10 minutes and strain.
۳. Allow the tea to cool a little before adding some honey.
۴. Consume fennel tea 2 to 3 times daily.
۵. Alternatively, you can also chew on some fennel seeds.
Why This Works
Fennel is another herb that is used as a galactagogue for nursing mothers. The seeds are phytoestrogens, i.e., they mimic estrogen, a hormone that is known to increase the production of breast milk (4).
۴. Milk Thistle
You Will Need
Milk thistle supplements
What You Have To Do
Take 2 to 3 milk thistle capsules daily.
Why This Works
Milk thistle is a flowering plant that was used in the ancient times to increase the production of breast milk. As a phytoestrogen, it displays estrogenic activity, which helps in increasing the breast milk supply (5).
۵. Garlic
You Will Need
Peeled garlic cloves
What You Have To Do
۱. Mince the garlic cloves and add the paste to your dishes.
۲. You can also chew on a few garlic cloves throughout the day
Why This Works
Garlic has lactogenic properties that help increase breast milk supply in mothers.
۶. Herbal Tea
You Will Need
Herbal teas like anise tea or caraway tea
What You Have To Do
Drink 2 to 3 cups of anise or caraway tea daily.