کل اخبار 11155 اخبار امروز : 10
  • تاریخ : دوشنبه, ۱ مرداد , ۱۴۰۳
  • برابر با : Monday - 22 - July - 2024
  • ساعت :
    روشن: اصفهان شهر رویداد محور شد
    شهریور ۱۳, ۱۳۹۷

    روشن: اصفهان شهر رویداد محور شد

    رییس کمیسیون فرهنگی، اجتماعی و ورزشی شورای اسلامی شهر اصفهان گفت: اجرای برنامه‌های مختلف فرهنگی در سطح شهر اصفهان و رعایت عدالت در این زمینه این شهر را به شهری رویداد محور تبدیل کرد. فریده روشنبا بیان اینکه اصفهان تنها  شهر صنعتی نیست بلکه پایتخت فرهنگی منطقه به شمار می‌آید، اظهار کرد: توجه به رویدادهای […]

    وزیر تحصیلات عالی افغانستان خبر داد: پیش قدم شدن دانشگاه اصفهان در دریافت ریالی شهریه از دانشجویان افغان
    شهریور ۱۳, ۱۳۹۷

    وزیر تحصیلات عالی افغانستان خبر داد: پیش قدم شدن دانشگاه اصفهان در دریافت ریالی شهریه از دانشجویان افغان

    وزیر تحصیلات عالی افغانستان گفت: مشکل پاسپورت دانشجویان افغانستانی در ایران رفع شده و در زمینه شهریه، دانشگاه اصفهان در دریافت ریالی شهریه از این دانشجویان پیش قدم شده است.  نجیب الله خواجه عمری، در نشست با رییس و اساتید دانشگاه اصفهان اظهار کرد: به دلیل برخی اشتراکات فرهنگی ایران و افغانستان، این دو کشور […]

    Indian filmmaker: Iranian cinema producers use techniques in realistic manner
    شهریور ۱۳, ۱۳۹۷

    Indian filmmaker: Iranian cinema producers use techniques in realistic manner

    An Indian film producer expressed his satisfaction for attending in Iran’s 31th International Film Festival for Children and Youth currently underway in central Province of Isfahan.  In an interview with the reporter of the festival’s news headquarters, Anil Komar, an Indian film producer, who has so far produced more than 41 movies he said the […]

    Wheels of textile industry slowed down in Isfahan
    شهریور ۱۳, ۱۳۹۷

    Wheels of textile industry slowed down in Isfahan

    Launching the biggest textile factories of the country in Isfahan, has made this province to be one of the big textile hubs since many years ago, but unfortunately, mismanagement, the lack of necessary technology infrastructures, and high level of imports have slowed down the wheels of this industry.  Now, a large number of the factories […]

    Isfahani farmers victims of water shortage
    شهریور ۱۳, ۱۳۹۷

    Isfahani farmers victims of water shortage

    “Lenjani gardeners are facing water shortages; agricultural managers expect the Ministry of Agricultural Jihad to find the possible solutions regarding the drought phenomenon,” the governor of Lenjan County said. Isfahan (IMNA) – “The Government Week provides a chance for authorities to provide reports regarding the carried out measures in different organizations. Concerning the various challenges that […]

    President: Iran’s Energy Industry at Forefront of Economic War
    شهریور ۱۳, ۱۳۹۷

    President: Iran’s Energy Industry at Forefront of Economic War

     Iran’s oil, gas and petrochemical industries are at the forefront of fighting an economic war that the enemy has waged against the Islamic Republic, President Hassan Rouhani said. Speaking at a ceremony marking the inauguration of a number of petrochemical plants in Iran’s southern city of Assalouyeh on Tuesday, Rouhani said, “Today (there is an) […]

    Iranian academic joins UNESCO national commission
    شهریور ۱۳, ۱۳۹۷

    Iranian academic joins UNESCO national commission

    The president of Iran’s Technical and Vocational University has been appointed as a member of the National Council for Higher Education of UNESCO National Commission. The aforementioned commission, of which Ebrahim Salehi became a member, is the highest policy-making body for localization and implementation of UNESCO’s programs in the field of higher education. Other responsibilities […]

    Iran’s role in New Silk Road inevitable
    شهریور ۱۳, ۱۳۹۷

    Iran’s role in New Silk Road inevitable

    Beijing, Sept 4, IRNA – Zhang Jun, China’s Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs commented on Iran’s role in the ‘One Belt, One Road’ initiative, saying no country can ignore Iran’s part in the New Silk Road plan. In an interview with IRNA on Tuesday, Zhang Jun said the ancient Silk Road and the New ‘One […]

    ‘India to continue buying Iranian oil despite sanction threat’
    شهریور ۱۳, ۱۳۹۷

    ‘India to continue buying Iranian oil despite sanction threat’

    Ahead of the high-level ‘two-plus-two’ dialogue with the US, sources announced that Indian government intends to keep buying Iranian oil by using Iranian vessels and insurance. India is allowing state refiners to import Iranian oil with Tehran arranging tankers and insurance after firms including the country’s top shipper Shipping Corp of India (SCI) halted voyages […]

    Report: India Lets State Refiners to Use Iran tankers, Insurance for Crude Imports
    شهریور ۱۳, ۱۳۹۷

    Report: India Lets State Refiners to Use Iran tankers, Insurance for Crude Imports

    India allowed its state refiners to import Iranian oil with Tehran arranging tankers and insurance after firms, including the country’s top shipper Shipping Corp of India (SCI) (SCI.NS) halted voyages to Iran due to the re-imposition of the US sanctions, media reports said. New Delhi is attempting to keep Iranian oil flowing mirrors a step […]

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