کل اخبار 10965 اخبار امروز : 0
  • تاریخ : پنجشنبه, ۱۴ تیر , ۱۴۰۳
  • برابر با : Thursday - 4 - July - 2024
  • ساعت :
    لزوم آموزش منش ابوعلی سینا در روز پزشک
    شهریور ۲, ۱۳۹۸

    لزوم آموزش منش ابوعلی سینا در روز پزشک

    فرزانه مستاجران روز های اول شهریور ماه هر سال به یمن تولد بزرگ مردی به نام ابو علی سینا به روز پزشک نام گذاری شده است . هر چند ابوعلی سینا یکی از بزرگترین اطبا از زمان خود تا کنون بوده و کتاب قانون (القانون فی الطب) وی که آن را پیش از سال ۴۰۶ […]

    Kish Air launches Mashhad-Herat direct flight
    شهریور ۲, ۱۳۹۸

    Kish Air launches Mashhad-Herat direct flight

    TEHRAN, Aug. 23 (MNA) – The Director General of Khorasan Razavi Airports Company Mohammad Bagher Ghasemzadeh on Fri. announced the launch of Mashhad-Herat flight route by Kish Airlines. The air route between Iran’s Mashhad and Afghanistan’s Herat was launched by Kish Air due to the cultural, political, religious and economic commonalities of people of cities […]

    Precision of Iranian Missiles Improved: General
    شهریور ۲, ۱۳۹۸

    Precision of Iranian Missiles Improved: General

    TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran has improved the accuracy of its missiles, production of some of which has not been made public, a deputy minister said. In comments in the city of Mashhad on Friday, Deputy Defense Minister General Qassem Taqizadeh said the accuracy of Iranian missiles have been improved to the extent that they can […]

    Iran’s Bavar-373 better than US Patriot, dep. defense min. says
    شهریور ۲, ۱۳۹۸

    Iran’s Bavar-373 better than US Patriot, dep. defense min. says

    TEHRAN, Aug. 23 (MNA) – The Iranian Deputy Defense Minister Brigadier General Shahrokh Shahram has described the homegrown missile defense system ‘Bavar-373’ as better than the US Patriot system. Brigadier General Shahrokh Shahram, the Head of Iranian Defense Ministry’s Organization of Electronic Industries, who acts as the deputy minister of defense, made the remarks in […]

    Iran’s Armed Forces Prioritize Boosting Defense Capacities: IRGC
    مرداد ۳۱, ۱۳۹۸

    Iran’s Armed Forces Prioritize Boosting Defense Capacities: IRGC

    TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) highlighted Iran’s deterrent power in the face of foreign threats and said boosting the country’s defense capacities is on the agenda of the Armed Forces. The IRGC Public Relations Department released a statement on Wednesday to mark the National Day of Defense Industry, which will be celebrated […]

    Iran Forms Cultural Heritage Ministry
    مرداد ۳۱, ۱۳۹۸

    Iran Forms Cultural Heritage Ministry

    TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization (ICHTO) changed into a ministry, and the head of the organization became the caretaker of the new ministry. In a decree on Wednesday, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani appointed ICHTO chief, Ali Asghar Mounesan, as the caretaker of the newly-formed Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Tourism. […]

    مرداد ۳۰, ۱۳۹۸
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