کل اخبار 10977 اخبار امروز : 1
  • تاریخ : جمعه, ۱۵ تیر , ۱۴۰۳
  • برابر با : Friday - 5 - July - 2024
  • ساعت :
    People should continue fighting coronavirus in coop. with health ministry: Rouhani
    اسفند ۱۵, ۱۳۹۸

    People should continue fighting coronavirus in coop. with health ministry: Rouhani

    TEHRAN, Mar. 04 (MNA) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said that people should continue to fight against coronavirus in cooperation with Health Ministry. After planting an apple sapling in Sa’dabad Historical-Cultural Complex in Tehran on Wednesday on the occasion of National Arbour Day and Natural Resources Week, the Iranian president said, “Arbour Day is a […]

    Some European Countries Blocking Export of Disinfectants to Iran: Official
    اسفند ۱۵, ۱۳۹۸

    Some European Countries Blocking Export of Disinfectants to Iran: Official

    TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The head of the Headquarters for Executing the Order of Imam Khomeini highlighted the efforts to combat the outbreak of the new coronavirus in Iran and slammed some European countries for blocking the efforts. Since the outbreak of the coronavirus, a task force was formed in the Headquarters for Executing the Order […]

    اسفند ۱۵, ۱۳۹۸
    مشکل کمبود الکل در اصفهان تا دو روز دیگر رفع می شود
    اسفند ۱۴, ۱۳۹۸

    مشکل کمبود الکل در اصفهان تا دو روز دیگر رفع می شود

    اصفهان – معاون هماهنگی اموراقتصادی استانداری اصفهان گفت: مشکل کمبود الکل در اصفهان تا دو روز دیگر رفع می شود. سیدحسن قاضی عسگردر گفت و گو با خبرنگار مهر با اشاره به برگزاری جلسه ای با فعالان تولید الکل، ژل و محصولات بهداشتی و ضدعفونی کننده اظهار داشت: استان اصفهان با دو کارخانه مهم الکل […]

    سایه شوم کرونا بر صنعت گردشگری اصفهان
    اسفند ۱۴, ۱۳۹۸

    سایه شوم کرونا بر صنعت گردشگری اصفهان

    اصفهان- ایرنا- صنعت گردشگری اصفهان روزهای سختی پیش‌رو دارد، کرونا نسخه سفرهای داخلی و خارجی را در هم پیچانده و از جمله هتل‌ها و آژانس‌ها روبه ورشکستگی اند، همه اینها درحالی است که فعالان گردشگری از مسئولان خواسته‌اند تا برای بحران گردشگری اصفهان چاره‌ای بیندیشند. امسال سال خوبی برای گردشگری ایران نبود، از سیل و تنش‌های […]

    BBC Attempting to ‘Sow Distrust’ in Minds of Iranians over COVID-19: US Analyst
    اسفند ۱۴, ۱۳۹۸

    BBC Attempting to ‘Sow Distrust’ in Minds of Iranians over COVID-19: US Analyst

    TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The BBC news network, by claiming that the death toll from the new coronavirus in Iran is far higher than reported by the government, is seeking to “sow distrust” in the minds of the Iranian people, a former US army psychological warfare officer and counter-terrorism analyst said. “Clearly the BBC Persian news […]

    Leader agrees with Parl. Speaker’s request on next year budget bill
    اسفند ۱۴, ۱۳۹۸

    Leader agrees with Parl. Speaker’s request on next year budget bill

    TEHRAN, Mar. 03 (MNA) – A member of the Iranian Parliament’s presiding board informed on Tuesday that the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Khamenei has issued a decree order on government’s proposed budget bill for the next Iranian calendar (starting on march 20), which is currently being assessed by the Parliament. According to MP […]

    Iran’s Supreme Leader advises people to follow medical codes to counter coronavirus impact
    اسفند ۱۴, ۱۳۹۸

    Iran’s Supreme Leader advises people to follow medical codes to counter coronavirus impact

    Tehran, March 3, IRNA – Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei on Tuesday called on the Iranian people to fully follow medical rules and advises to help prevent the spread of coronavirus in the country. Ayatollah Khamenei made the remarks after planting two saplings on the occasion of the National Natural […]

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