کل اخبار 10986 اخبار امروز : 9
  • تاریخ : شنبه, ۱۶ تیر , ۱۴۰۳
  • برابر با : Saturday - 6 - July - 2024
  • ساعت :
    اصفهان «بدون زاینده رود» معنی ندارد/ از توسعه خطوط مترو نمی‌گذرم
    تیر ۳, ۱۳۹۹

    اصفهان «بدون زاینده رود» معنی ندارد/ از توسعه خطوط مترو نمی‌گذرم

    بر اساس ماده ۳۹ قانون مالیات بر ارزش‌افزوده واحدهای آلاینده حریم شهر علاوه بر مالیات و عوارض موضوع این قانون، مکلف هستند که یک درصد از قیمت فروش سالانه خود را به عنوان عوارض آلایندگی مستقیماً به حساب شهرداری واریز کنند. به گزارش خبرنگار ایمنا، صنایع آلاینده باید به شهرهایی که آلودگی بر زندگی شهروندان […]

    نظارت ویژه بر شهریه مدارس اعمال شود
    تیر ۳, ۱۳۹۹

    نظارت ویژه بر شهریه مدارس اعمال شود

    ایسنا/اصفهان استاندار اصفهان گفت: آموزش و پرورش باید با اعزام بازرسان نامحسوس و با حفظ آبروی افراد، اقدام‌های ویژه‌ای در زمینه نظارت بر دریافت شهریه‌های بی‌ضابطه برخی از مدارس غیرانتفاعی در استان انجام دهد. عباس رضایی در یکصد و چهل و یکمین جلسه شورای آموزش و پرورش استان اظهار کرد: برخی از والدین برای ثبت‌نام […]

    IRGC Navy to establish permanent base in Indian Ocean: navy cmdr
    تیر ۳, ۱۳۹۹

    IRGC Navy to establish permanent base in Indian Ocean: navy cmdr

    TEHRAN, Jun. 22 (MNA) – The Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) Navy Commander Admiral Alireza Tangsiri said that IRGC is looking to establish a permanent base in the Indian Ocean by the end of the current Iranian year. “IRGC Navy has been notified to be present in the Indian Ocean permanently,” said Tangsiri on Monday in Bandar […]

    Iran Receives Money for Gasoline Sold to Venezuela: Official
    تیر ۳, ۱۳۹۹

    Iran Receives Money for Gasoline Sold to Venezuela: Official

    TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A member of Iran’s Expediency Council said the country has received money from Venezuela for selling gasoline with five oil tankers. In comments on Monday, Ali Aqamohammadi said Iran has no problem in receiving money for the gasoline it has sold to Venezuela. He said the money earned by selling gasoline to […]

    CBI Warns Exporters of Name-and-Shame Path
    تیر ۳, ۱۳۹۹

    CBI Warns Exporters of Name-and-Shame Path

    EghtesadOnline: The Central Bank of Iran issued an ultimatum on Sunday to non-oil exporters to expedite repatriation of their overseas earnings. If they fail to comply their names will be made public through the media. In a notice published on its website, the CBI said it will reveal the names of exporters of goods and […]

    Iran Still in First Wave of Coronavirus: Health Minister
    تیر ۲, ۱۳۹۹

    Iran Still in First Wave of Coronavirus: Health Minister

    TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Health Minister Saeed Namaki said the country is still grappling with the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic, saying the peak of the complicated disease has not passed yet. In remarks at an online meeting with the presidents of the Iranian universities of medical sciences, Namaki said Iran is dealing with […]

    Parl. urges government to stop implementing Additional Protocol
    تیر ۲, ۱۳۹۹

    Parl. urges government to stop implementing Additional Protocol

    TEHRAN, Jun. 21 (MNA) – Iranian lawmakers vehemently condemned the new resolution passed by the IAEA Board of Governors against Iran, calling on the government to stop implementing the Additional Protocol in response. The “Islamic Republic of Iran, as a country that has had the highest level of cooperation and transparency with the IAEA in […]

    ۶th Iranian ship en route to Venezuela carrying food: Iran’s ambassador to Caracas
    تیر ۲, ۱۳۹۹

    ۶th Iranian ship en route to Venezuela carrying food: Iran’s ambassador to Caracas

    Tehran (ISNA) – Iran’s ambassador to Caracas, Hojjatollah Soltani announced that the sixth Iranian ship “Golsan” en route to Venezuela is carrying food. “The sixth Iranian ship moving toward the Venezuelan coast is carrying food,” Soltani said in an interview with Lebanese Almayadeen news network. Iran has already sent five oil tankers to Venezuela with […]

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