An Overview of Morning Allergies

Have you ever woken in the morning with congestion, irritation, and red, watery eyes? If so, you may have morning allergy symptoms.

Have you ever woken in the morning with congestion, irritation, and red, watery eyes? If so, you may have morning allergy symptoms.
Many factors can cause morning allergies. Commonly, if ysour symptoms are worse in the morning, they may be caused by dust mites, which tend to make homes in people’s bedding.1 But these allergies can also be caused by pollen and pet dander.
Read more about morning allergies, their causes, symptoms, prevention, and treatment methods.

Common Causes of Morning Allergies
Whether you have hay fever or a dust mite allergy, it is common to wake up sneezing when you have allergies. There are several reasons that can happen, including:
• Pollen counts that are higher in the morning
• Dust mites that live in and around your bed
• Pet dander that accumulates in your bedroom

Allergy Statistics
Allergies are common, affecting more than 50 million Americans every year.2
Dust Mites
As unpleasant as it sounds, allergies to dust mites aren’t actually an allergy to dust or the mite. Rather, it’s the feces of the dust mite that actually contain the allergen (the substance that triggers an allergic reaction). Unlike pollen allergies, dust mite allergies occur year-round because they live inside your home.

Dust mites can live anywhere, but they especially like carpeting, bedding, curtains, and upholstered furniture.1 It’s not possible to eliminate dust mites.
Symptoms of dust mite allergies are typically worse in the morning because you are exposed to the allergen while you sleep.
Pollen allergy, also known as hay fever or seasonal allergic rhinitis, is one of the most common allergies. In the United States, it affects 7.7% of adults and 7.2% of children.2
Plants release pollen to fertilize other plants of the same species. Pollen allergies are caused by a reaction to the pollen that plants and trees release in the spring, summer, and fall.3

Common pollen allergies include:
• Grasses
• Trees
• Ragweed
Symptoms of pollen allergies are often worse in the morning. In addition, pollen may stick to your clothing, which means you carry the allergen around with you throughout the day. Also, if you sleep with your windows open, you may be exposed to pollen all night long.

Allergies to pets often occur in people who have other allergies or asthma. In fact, as many as 30% of people with allergies are also allergic to cat and dog dander.4
Cats vs. Dogs
Cat allergies are twice as common as dog allergies.4
People with pet allergies react to proteins in a pet’s urine, saliva, or dander (dead skin cells). People often confuse pet hair or fur as an allergen, but it’s not. Pet hair or fur can be a carrier of allergens, though.4

Symptoms of Allergies in the Morning
Allergy symptoms in the morning are the same as allergy symptoms at any other time of the day. However, sometimes morning allergy symptoms are more severe. They may include:3
• Sneezing
• Runny or stuffy nose
• Fatigue
• Itchy, watery eyes
• Puffy eyes
• Itchy ears
• Cough

In severe cases, you may experience asthma-like symptoms. These may include difficulty breathing, wheezing, and coughing.
Ways to Prevent Morning Allergy Triggers
The good news is that there are steps you can take to limit your morning allergy symptoms. Some things to try include:3
• Keep windows closed: When pollen counts are high, close windows and use air-conditioning instead.
• Take allergy medicine: When taken before exposure to pollen, antihistamines can keep your allergy symptoms at bay.
• Shower before bed: Showering will remove pollen from your skin and hair. Be sure to put on clothing that has not been exposed to allergens before getting into bed, too.
• Lower humidity: This can help reduce dust mite allergies and indoor mold allergies.
• Clean regularly: Cover your mattress and pillows with special dust mite covers and wash your bedding in hot water every week. In addition, dust hard surfaces and vacuum carpets, especially those in the
• Replace carpet with hard flooring: Pet dander and dust mites love to hide in carpets. If you can’t replace all carpets in the home, start with the one in your bedroom.8