A Beginner’s Guide To Makeup Do’s and Dont’s

Looking to enhance your makeup skills? Our beginner’s guide to makeup do’s and don’ts has you covered with some great, simple makeup tips! Learn these essential tips and tricks for creating good looks while avoiding common mistakes. From skincare prep to choosing the right lipstick shade, this guide will help you feel confident and beautiful […]

Looking to enhance your makeup skills? Our beginner’s guide to makeup do’s and don’ts has you covered with some great, simple makeup tips! Learn these essential tips and tricks for creating good looks while avoiding common mistakes. From skincare prep to choosing the right lipstick shade, this guide will help you feel confident and beautiful in your makeup routine.

Makeup Don’ts

Don’t Buy a Lot of Products
When you’re a makeup beginner, the last thing you need to do is go out and invest in a huge assortment of products. It’s quite easy to spend hundreds of dollars on makeup, and then be miserable with everything you’ve purchased. Same for tools. There’s not need to run out and buy every cool looking tool ranging from Sponges to an eyelash curler. Later, you will add tools you need as you discover a real need for them.
What you need instead is a simple kit for everyday makeup.
Instead of buying everything from eyelash primer to finishing spray, start with the basics.
Don’t Apply Makeup to a Dirty Face
Applying makeup to a dirty face is asking for serious skin problems. In fact, breakouts and acne will not hold off.
Never apply cosmetics on top of other cosmetics that have been sitting on your face for hours. The one exception to this rule is lipstick.

Don’t Use Dirty Brushes to Apply Your Makeup

Of all the great makeup ideas, this one is easily overlooked.
It’s easy to neglect makeup brushes. Unless you schedule a time each week to clean them, you’ll never even think about your makeup brushes until it’s time to apply your products.
But, using dirty makeup brushes can introduce bacteria to your skin. Eww. Instead of taking the risk, set aside time on the weekend to wash your brushes.
Don’t Skip Your Eyebrows
Eyebrows are an important part of your face but often overlooked. When done well and intentionally, your brows will perfectly frame your face. If you have the time (make the time, if you don’t) fill in your brows. You can use a matte eyeshadow to fill in the sparse areas of your brows.
Don’t Create Fake Brows
While you shouldn’t skip your brows, you definitely don’t want to draw on dramatic fake brows. Huge, drawn on brows come across like furry caterpillars. It’s never a good look.
Don’t Sleep in Your Makeup
At the end of the day, when you’re exhausted and can barely motivate yourself off of the couch, it can be pretty tempting to simply fall asleep in your makeup. But resist the temptation. Not only can sleeping in makeup clog pores, it can actually make them bigger!

Makeup Do’s

Do Create a Signature Look
This is why makeup is fun, you can totally create your own signature look.
And look, applying your makeup shouldn’t take hours of your time, especially when you’re a beginner. Your first signature look should be simple. Use basic makeup comprised of the beginner makeup must haves: Eye Liner, Mascara, Blush, Lipstick.
To build your confidence, start by creating a simple but signature look that you can wear everywhere. To create a this look, use the following simple makeup tips:

Focus on your face, eyes, lips, and cheeks.
Do Apply Makeup in a Natural Light
Whenever possible, apply your makeup in natural light. This gives you the best judgment of what your makeup will look like once you leave home. Set up your makeup station near a window if you can.
Do Buy Cruelty-Free, Non-Toxic Cosmetics
Do Apply Concealer After Foundation
When you have dark circles under your eyes, minor blemishes, or redness, a concealer is your best friend. However, a common rookie mistake is to apply concealer first before applying foundation. That’s not the most effective strategy, however. When you apply foundation first, it can actually cancel out a lot of the unevenness or discoloration in your skin. Then, you can top it off with a little bit of concealer to ensure full coverage. Doing it in this order can save more of your concealer, too.

Do Blend Your Eye Shadows

If you choose to wear multiple eye shadows on your lids, be sure to blend! Having severe lines where one color stops is a no-no. Instead, grab a brush and blend the colors together to create a smoother transition.
Do Use a Primer
A makeup primer is a base that you use under your makeup. It creates a smoother surface for your makeup and also helps to moisturize the skin underneath. Primer also helps your makeup last longer.
There are several types of primers, but for a beginner, you can start with the basics:
• Face primer goes underneath your foundation
• Eye shadow primer goes on your eyelids before applying powdered shadow and prevents creasing.