Overcoming sanctions, Oil Ministry’s main approach: VP

TEHRAN, Feb. 01 (MNA) – Vice-President for the Science and Technology Sorena Sattari said that leaving behind and overcoming sanctions imposed by US against Iran is the main approach and strategy followed up by the Ministry of Oil. He made the remarks on the sidelines of his visit to the development projects in South Pars […]

TEHRAN, Feb. 01 (MNA) – Vice-President for the Science and Technology Sorena Sattari said that leaving behind and overcoming sanctions imposed by US against Iran is the main approach and strategy followed up by the Ministry of Oil.

He made the remarks on the sidelines of his visit to the development projects in South Pars Gas Field (SPGF) in Assaluyeh, Bushehr province, and added, “the trust and confidence of oil and gas companies to knowledge-based companies is a positive approach that they [oil and gas firms] can overcome sanctions imposed against the country, Sattari emphasized.

During the visit, some development projects in the knowledge-based field will come on stream in Bushehr province, he stressed.

South Pars Gas Complex is the outcome of nonstop and unflinching efforts of managers made over the past 20 years, he stated.

Visiting production plans of HNT Holding Knowledge-based Company in Takht-e-Jamshid Petrochemical, electrolyze cells production plan of Mobin Petrochemical Company and catalysts of Aromatic Unit of Nouri Petrochemical Company as well as Growth Center Companies in Kangan and participating in a session of Boosting Domestic Production and Knowledge-based Economy were of the other programs during daylong visit of Vice-President for Science and Technology to Assalouyeh and Kangan.