Iran’s Bavar-373 better than US Patriot, dep. defense min. says

TEHRAN, Aug. 23 (MNA) – The Iranian Deputy Defense Minister Brigadier General Shahrokh Shahram has described the homegrown missile defense system ‘Bavar-373’ as better than the US Patriot system. Brigadier General Shahrokh Shahram, the Head of Iranian Defense Ministry’s Organization of Electronic Industries, who acts as the deputy minister of defense, made the remarks in […]

TEHRAN, Aug. 23 (MNA) – The Iranian Deputy Defense Minister Brigadier General Shahrokh Shahram has described the homegrown missile defense system ‘Bavar-373’ as better than the US Patriot system.

Brigadier General Shahrokh Shahram, the Head of Iranian Defense Ministry’s Organization of Electronic Industries, who acts as the deputy minister of defense, made the remarks in Special News Talks on IRIB Channel 2 on Thursday night.

The Iranian military official said that the long-range surface-to-air missile system, Bavar-373, which was unveiled on Thursday in a ceremony in Tehran commemorating Iran’s National Defense Industry Day by President Hassan Rouhani, is better than the renowned US Patriot and Russian S-300 systems.

“Given the increasing threats, we needed a system more powerful than S-300, so we designed and built the Bavar-373,” Shahram said, adding that compared to Russian S-300, the Iranian new defense system has a greater range and more combating capabilities and it is more lethal.

He noted that Bavar-373 is also better than the US Patriot system in terms of its capabilities against ICBMs. He added while the US Patriot is mostly used for surveillance purposes, Bavar-373 has further capabilities.

The deputy defense minister added that Iranian military experts have superior capabilities than Bavar-373 for future systems in mind, the news of which will be duly announced.

He further referred to the achievements in designing and producing radars, adding that the Iranian experts have enhanced the capabilities of existing radars to detect fighter jets.

“We have created locally-developed air surveillance radars to respond to enemy’s threats with threats and offensive with offensive, on which the media will be informed later,” he noted.