۴ Reasons Why Your Newborn Isn’t Sleeping at Night

The top reasons why your newborn isn’t sleeping at night include hunger, illness, and not understanding the time of day

The top reasons why your newborn isn’t sleeping at night include hunger, illness, and not understanding the time of day.
“Just sleep when the baby sleeps” is great advice if your little one is actually getting some rest. But what if you spend more time pacing the halls with a wide-eyed newborn than you do catching some Zzz’s?
Read on to learn five common reasons why some babies like the nightlife and what you can do to get back on the sleep train.

۱. Your baby doesn’t know if it’s night or day
Some babies start sleeping on what’s called a day/night reversal schedule. This means your baby sleeps well during the day but is awake and busy at night. It’s frustrating and exhausting, but it’s just temporary.

Here are a few things you can do to help your baby learn that day is for play and night is for rest:
• Keep them awake a little longer during each waking period during the day: This will help increase the need for sleep later.
• Get your baby outside and in the sun: Natural light helpsTrusted Source reset their internal clock.
• Avoid sleep-inducing activities, if possible, during the day: Don’t fight your baby’s need to sleep. But if you can keep them out of the car seat for a bit, that extra time awake will help them (and you) later.
• At night, keep lights low or turn them off near baby’s sleeping area: Also limit sound and movement while your baby is asleep at night. Your goal should be zero disruptions.
• Consider swaddling your baby at night: Swaddling can help keep their arms and legs still so they don’t move and wake themself up.

۲. Your baby is hungry
Newborns don’t eat much in a single feeding. If your baby is consuming breast milk, they will digest it quickly. This means they can wake up hungry and ready to fill their belly again.
Hunger is a common reason babies wake during the night. Babies need to eat to grow, so it’s not healthy to try to change this need or train your baby to act differently.
Thirst is another reason babies wake up. A drink of breast milk or formula may do the trick.

۳. Your baby doesn’t feel well
There’s almost always something going on with your newborn’s body, and a lot of it is uncomfortable.
Your baby may:
• have a cold or other illness
• have gas
• be constipated
Every one of those things might cause a baby to wake up often during the night. Check with your pediatrician if you suspect that pain or illness could be the reason they’re not sleeping.

۴. Your baby needs you
Some babies are so attached to their parents, they can’t waste time on sleep. Your baby may need to know where you are or simply be near