How to Become a Decent Pers

Throughout our lives, we are constantly interacting with the people around us. Being a decent person will help you form healthy relationships while maintaining a positive self-image

Throughout our lives, we are constantly interacting with the people around us. Being a decent person will help you form healthy relationships while maintaining a positive self-image. You’ll be a better person if you can learn to forgive, abandon anger, and genuinely care about other people.
Treating Others With Respect
Be dependable. Part of being decent if giving others a reason to trust you. Part of building trust involves being a dependable person. Work on following through on promises and obligations.[1]

• Keep up with your promises. If you promise to be somewhere at a certain time, be there. If you say you’ll do a favor, do it.
Avoid judgement. Decent people withhold judging others too harshly. Remember, you cannot fully understand what it’s like to be inside someone else’s head.[2]

Therefore, avoid trying to pass judgement on a behavior or a decision.[3]
• Everyone is different. Therefore, it should not be surprising if another person’s choice differs from your own. In the event you find someone who’s lifestyle is confusing to you, see this as an opportunity to embrace difference rather than pass judgment.
Provide support during bad times. Think about times in your life that were hard. You probably had friends, family members, and other loved ones helping you along the way. If you want to be a decent person, you should strive to provide support in return. When people go through difficult times, put yourself out there and help.[4]

• It can be difficult to know what to do to help in certain situations, but keep in mind just listening and showing you care is often enough.
Listen. It’s very important that you listen to others if you want to be a decent person. In addition to making another person feel valued, you learn through listening.[5] If you listen to those around you, you will become more open-minded by learning about the experience, opinions, and feelings of others.

• You should always listen to others as much as you talk. In addition to listening, make sure you understand. Ask follow up questions about an opinion or thought that intrigues you. If you’re confused, ask for clarification.
Be honest when necessary. Being a decent person means being honest, even when it’s difficult.
Letting Go of Negativity
See humor in situations. Part of being decent is fostering a sense of positivity. It’s hard to be good to others and pleasant to be around if you harbor a lot of negative thoughts.

Practice forgiveness. You do not want to hold on to past hurt and resentment if you want to be a decent person. Work on practicing forgiveness in your daily life so you can be better and kinder to others.[9]
Let go of anger. Anger can be detrimental to your emotional well-being. If you live with a lot of anger, you’re more likely to be hostile to others. Becoming a decent person often means letting go of some anger and resentment.[10]
Encourage others. You will feel better about yourself and the world if you’re kind to those around you. This can make it easier to be a decent person, as you’ll feel happier and more fulfilled.

Work on your own self-esteem. It can be difficult to be kind to others if you feel bad about yourself. You need to make your own self-esteem a priority if you want to be a decent person. Take time working on your own self-image to make sure you feel good about yourself.[12] [13]
• Strive for realistic self-esteem. You should be able to accept you have flaws, and admit to them, but also embrace your good qualities. Like everyone, you’re a mix of good and bad qualities. Being comfortable with this is key to solid self esteem.

• If you struggle with your self-esteem, you may want to talk to a therapist. A qualified therapist can help you work out any underlying mental health issues potentially affecting your self-esteem.