How to Make Yourself Happy

If you want to make yourself happy, then you have to know what you want and to be comfortable asserting your needs. You also have to make sure you have a positive mindset, take action to live a happier life, and take good care of yourself even if you’re having a rough week

If you want to make yourself happy, then you have to know what you want and to be comfortable asserting your needs. You also have to make sure you have a positive mindset, take action to live a happier life, and take good care of yourself even if you’re having a rough week.[1] The most important thing is that you know that happiness is within your reach if you’re willing to work for it.

Altering Your Perspective
Be who you want to be. If you really want to make yourself happy, then the best thing you can do is to be who you were meant to be. This means not being the person you think your boyfriend, parents, coworkers, or friends want you to be, but the person who feels the most like you.[2] If you feel like you’re always faking it or putting up a front, then you won’t ever be able to enjoy your life or to truly be happy.[3]
Think positively. Though sometimes you may think that it’s impossible to think positively, being positive is something you can actively pursue, no matter your circumstances.[4] If you want to be able to think positively, all you have to do is to focus on the things you’re grateful for and excited about, and learn not to dwell on the negative stuff. If you focus on talking and thinking about the good things in your life, then you’ll be more likely to feel optimistic.

[۵] Live in the present. One way to make yourself happy is to focus on the world right in front of you instead of worrying about the past or the future. Though it’s not always easy to forget past mistakes or to stop being anxious about the future, the more you make a habit of focusing on the present moment, the more likely you’ll be to make yourself happy.

Be grateful for what you do have. Another way to make yourself happy is to make gratitude a priority. Sit down with a piece of paper and write down all of the things you’re grateful for; tell yourself you won’t stop writing until you’ve filled a page. Take the time to read these items aloud, and to be truly thankful for all of the joy and happiness in your life.
Take a step back from your situation. Another way to make yourself happy is to get some perspective.

Get more comfortable about being selfish. One of the reasons you may feel like you’re unable to make yourself happy is because you’re always putting other people before yourself.

Surround yourself with people who make you feel good about yourself. One way to change your perspective for the better is to spend more time with people who make you feel like a great person who is capable of great things. If you spend all of your time around people who put you down or make you feel insecure and like you can’t do anything on your own, then it’s unlikely that you’ll be making yourself happy any time soon.[11]