Lemon For Dandruff: Learn Why Lemon Is Your Best Bet Against Dandruff

A little sleuthing around on the internet suggests that your humble citrus, also referred to as a lemon, is dab-hand at dandruff treatment

A little sleuthing around on the internet suggests that your humble citrus, also referred to as a lemon, is dab-hand at dandruff treatment. Here’s everything you need to know about lemon for dandruff, and how to use it safely and effectively. Do conduct a patch-test before using these ingredients.
What Causes Dandruff?

It’s not just one thing that triggers dandruff. There are a lot of factors that play into the situation. These are a few:
۱. You’re Probably Not Shampooing Enough: A lack of shampooing leads to a build-up of oil on the scalp, and this build-up leads to the formation of dandruff. If you’re shampooing your hair regularly, it’s possible that you’re not using enough shampoo — or the shampoo you’re using isn’t strong enough to break this oil build-up.
۲. Your Skin is Prone to Dryness: Dryness is the biggest cause of dandruff. If other parts of your body feel dry, it’s possible that dryness is the problem. Switch to a hydrating shampoo to replenish your scalp’s moisture.
۳. You Have an Allergy: Have you added a new formula to your regimen recently? It’s possible that you’re allergic to a hair-care product. This is a case of contact dermatitis, and symptoms manifest as itching, irritation, and soreness post application.

۴. You Have A Medical Condition: This is referred to as Seborrheic Dermatitis. This condition manifests as redness and scaliness on the scalp (mainly) and other sebum-rich (oil) regions of the body. You might experience itching, irritation and flaking in these places.
۵. You Have A Yeast Infection: Dandruff can stem from a yeast infection called Malassezia. This fungus is commonly found on the scalp where it feeds on oils secreted by the follicles. It’s not a problem for most; but some develop a sensitivity to it.
۶. Other factors include a lack of hair-brushing, winter season, age, hormones, stress, weak immune-system, HIV, diseases that affect your nervous system like Parkinson’s, and other skin-related conditions like psoriasis, acne, rosacea and eczema that trigger Seborrheic Dermatitis.

Can Lemons Use for Dandruff Treatment?
Yes, you can use lemon juice for dandruff treatment. Thanks to lemon’s composition of Citric Acid, it can treat dryness and dandruff effectively. It does this by balancing the scalp’s pH level. Since the plant is antimicrobial, it excels at curbing the growth of fungus on the scalp too. It’s also a rich source of Vitamin B. Vitamin B is said to reduce the risk of skin-related conditions like Seborrheic Dermatitis — which we have established as one of the leading causes of dandruff. So, yes, lemons treat the issue at the very root. That’s why lemon for hair dandruff treatment is the best natural remedy. No wonder it’s employed in so many hair-care products.
How To Use Lemon For Dandruff Treatment?
Here’s how to use lemons for dandruff treatment.

۱. Lemon + Yoghurt for Dandruff
Lemon and Yoghurt contain enzymes and acids that eliminate dandruff in a couple of applications. All you need to do is combine 2 tablespoons of curd with one tablespoon of lemon. Mix the two together before massaging it into your scalp. Let it sit for about 20 minutes before rinsing it off thoroughly. You can repeat this twice a week.
۲. Lemon + Honey for Dandruff
Just like lemon, honey’s antimicrobial properties can ward off fungal activities going on underneath the skin. Not only this, honey hydrates and moisturises the scalp naturally. This works as a remedy for dryness and itchiness associated with dandruff. Mix a tablespoon of lemon with about three tablespoons of honey before applying it to the scalp for 20 minutes. Rinse it off with shampoo, and repeat twice or thrice a week.
۳. Lemon + Egg for Dandruff
Egg is an excellent exfoliators. This means that it can remove dead skin-cell build-up on the scalp, thereby reducing dandruff. It also conditions the scalp at the same time. Whip an egg, and mix a tablespoon of lemon juice in before applying the concoction on the scalp for 30 minutes. Repeat this once a week.