Biden considers post-Gaza scenario

In a commentary by Kourosh Ahmadi, a former Iranian diplomat, the Shargh newspaper takes a look into Joe Biden’s article in The Washington Post. The paper interprets his article as a manifestation of the White House’s concern for Gaza’s future. According to Ahmadi, Biden’s piece, outlining a roadmap for Palestine, reflects the U.S. authorities’s deliberations […]

In a commentary by Kourosh Ahmadi, a former Iranian diplomat, the Shargh newspaper takes a look into Joe Biden’s article in The Washington Post. The paper interprets his article as a manifestation of the White House’s concern for Gaza’s future. According to Ahmadi, Biden’s piece, outlining a roadmap for Palestine, reflects the U.S. authorities’s deliberations over the past six weeks concerning a post-war policy for Palestine. The article gains significance by aligning with similar statements from Biden and the U.S. Secretary of State during recent visits to the region. Biden, in this piece, asserts the “two-state solution” as the “sole path to ensure the long-term security of both the Israeli and Palestinian peoples.” He envisions a process ultimately leading to the realization of the two-state solution after the war. Ahmadi raises two pivotal questions posed by Biden’s article: 1- In light of the shock from Hamas’s October 7 attack on Israel and the global condemnation of Israel’s unprecedented actions in Gaza, will Israel’s right-wing reconsider its policies from the past? 2- Considering the influence of Israel’s right-wing in the U.S. and the upcoming elections, how inclined or capable will the current and future U.S. administrations be to promote their views on the two-state solution?