How to Get People to Like You

Nobody can be liked by everybody, but sometimes it’s important for your social life or your career to become more likeable. Becoming more liked might just be as easy as taking some extra interest in their life and interests! Making a Person Like You One-on-One Ask people about themselves. Be interested in them. What conversation […]

Nobody can be liked by everybody, but sometimes it’s important for your social life or your career to become more likeable. Becoming more liked might just be as easy as taking some extra interest in their life and interests!

Making a Person Like You One-on-One

Ask people about themselves. Be interested in them. What conversation is better than with a person who is genuinely interested in what you are saying? If you are in a conversation and hear yourself saying “I did this, I did that,” stop yourself. Ask the other person’s opinion. Conversations are two-way streets!

Ask for a favor. This one may sound kind of funny if you’re not familiar with it — it’s a technique known as the “Benjamin Franklin Effect.” Basically, you ask for a favor, the other person does it for you, you thank them, and they end up liking you more. You’d think that the person having something done for them would like the other, but it’s not so. So the next time you feel the need to borrow something, don’t hesitate to ask!
Talk about what interests the other person. If you know their hobbies or passions, ask! This will usually get them going non-stop and take the heat off you!
– Take opportunities to use their name. People love hearing their name. As Dale Carnegie puts it, to them it is the sweetest sound in the entire language.[2] It validates them and subsequently they feel reassured and happier. If you can slip it in, do so.

Be empathetic. Pretty straightforward and logical, huh? But oddly enough, even though humans (on some level) know this, it’s so much easier not to do it. We’re all concerned with me, me, me and waiting for the next time we can add to a conversation. To amplify your likeability, turn the spotlight over to the other person. Focus on understanding them.

Flatter them. Another one that seems really obvious. Unfortunately, paying others compliments sometimes can be awkward (lots of people don’t know how to handle them!) and seem as if you have ill motivations (a relationship, for example). For starters, get over yourself. Everyone loves it. Well, a genuine, well-timed one, at least!

Make them feel good. Another big duh, huh? The overarching theme of this article is really just making the other person feel good. It’s how you do it where the options come in. Every person is a bit different, but we all share similar qualities. We all want attention, to be happy, and to feel like we’re cared for and useful. And for those people that gives us those things, we like them.

Mastering Likeable Body Language

Smile. The absolute simplest way to get people to like you is to smile genuinely. People crave being around others that are fun and happy because it’s contagious — you’ll make them feel good just by being present.
Use a comfortable level of eye contact. This one hopefully comes naturally. Eye contact is one of the simplest ways to show someone you’re paying attention.