‘No limit to demands of Westerners from Iran’

TEHRAN, Aug. 01 (MNA) – In an interview with Mehr News, the spokesman of the Iranian parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission said there is no limit to the westerners’ demands from Iran and they advance in case Iran draws back. Reacting to the recent American threat to boycott the sale of Iranian oil […]

TEHRAN, Aug. 01 (MNA) – In an interview with Mehr News, the spokesman of the Iranian parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission said there is no limit to the westerners’ demands from Iran and they advance in case Iran draws back.

Reacting to the recent American threat to boycott the sale of Iranian oil to China, Mahmoud Abbaszadeh Meshkini said, “Westerners, especially the Americans, assume that by such threats they can put pressure on the Islamic Republic of Iran, while the threats and sanctions are fruitless.”

Noting that the Americans are in need of holding negotiations and reaching an agreement with the Islamic Republic more than Iran, he added that Iran’s administration will take an active diplomacy approach and will act upon the Parliament’s ratified “Strategic Action Plan to Lift Sanctions and Protect Iranian Nation’s Interests”.

“Maximum US pressure on Iran has not worked, and Americans have admitted the fact,” he added.

Mashkini added, “China is not a country that matched its trade, imports, and exports with the Americans. China is a powerful and independent country, and especially for energy trade, they never commit themselves to get along with the Americans.”

“Americans need to make accurate calculations about Iran, consider Iran’s behavior and reactions, and then take a stand against us, but they usually do not talk about us based on precise calculations,” the MP said.