Iran should give a crushing response to US terrorist act: MP

TEHRAN, Jul. 24 (MNA) – A member of Iranian Parliament’s Presiding Board said that the Parliament should give a decisive response to the recent US terrorist act in harassing Iran Air’s Mahan in its flight over Syrian sky. Seyyed Nasser Mousavi Largani in an interview with FNA on Sat. said that the Iranian Parliament will […]

TEHRAN, Jul. 24 (MNA) – A member of Iranian Parliament’s Presiding Board said that the Parliament should give a decisive response to the recent US terrorist act in harassing Iran Air’s Mahan in its flight over Syrian sky.

Seyyed Nasser Mousavi Largani in an interview with FNA on Sat. said that the Iranian Parliament will not remain silent in the face of the US terrorist act.

He pointed to the harassment of an Iranian airliner by two US warplanes and added, “certainly, the criminal act of the United States will not go unanswered and the Islamic Republic of Iran will give a decisive response to the heinous move taken by the US which is against the law and in clear violation of international law.”

The Iranian nation considers the US government a criminal. Americans have always had a temperament of domination and aggression and do not give up their malicious behavior, he highlighted.

He pointed to a statement of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, saying that the era of hit and run has ended and emphasized, “Cowardly harassment of a passenger plane means nothing more than state terrorism, and the United States must wait for a response to this barbaric act.”

On Thursday night, US warplanes operating illegally in Syria conducted aggressive maneuvers dangerously close to an Iranian Mahan Air flight over Syria’s al-Tanf region.

Mahan Air’s Flight 1152 had taken off from Tehran and was en route to the Lebanese capital, Beirut when the incident happened.

Lebanon’s Health Minister Hamad Hassan also denounced the US move, calling it “a blatant attack” and saying that it would be only normal to file a complaint with international courts.