۹/۱۱ attack carried out by participation of US DM

French activist: TEHRAN, Sep. 11 (MNA) – Political activist Thierry Meyssan believes that the September 11 attack could only be carried out with the participation of ‘individuals within the US defense system. On the occasion of the 19th anniversary of the September 11 attacks, we reached out to French journalist, conspiracy theorist and political activist Thierry Meyssan. Following […]

TEHRAN, Sep. 11 (MNA) – Political activist Thierry Meyssan believes that the September 11 attack could only be carried out with the participation of ‘individuals within the US defense system.

On the occasion of the 19th anniversary of the September 11 attacks, we reached out to French journalist, conspiracy theorist and political activist Thierry Meyssan.

Following is the full text of the interview with him:

Your book entitled “9/11: The Big Lie” has gained a great attraction worldwide. What was your motivation for writing this book? Please briefly tell about your valuable book for our audiences.

I had already worked on the NATO secret services. Like anyone who has studied this question, I have been struck by the similarities between the Alliance’s covert operations against its own members and the 9/11 attacks. From the first day, I tried to understand.

Could you please tell us about the reactions to your book (among mainstream media, academics, officials and so on)?

Suddenly the newspaper Le Monde published long articles accusing me of Holocaust denialIn the week following the publication, all the reactions were enthusiastic. Suddenly the newspaper Le Monde published long articles accusing me of Holocaust denial. There is, of course, no connection between the crimes of WWII and 9/11, and I have never denied the slaving of Slavs, Jews and Tsyganes. Anyway, in a few hours, all the French intelligentsia changed their minds. Those who had sent me congratulatory emails sent others back to tell me that they no longer wanted to have relationship with me. I was banned in the media, then I was the subject of a smear campaign to which I had no media access to respond. I filed a complaint against those who insulted me, but the court said, against the law, that I deserved it. I turned then to the foreigners.

You started a campaign at the United Nations to initiate an international investigation commission to revisit the general consensus regarding the 9/11 attacks. Could you please tell us about the results and achievements? 

In reality almost all states do not want fuss and have given up on knowing. If there is a consensus it is not about 9/11, but about the danger of opening this fileI started this campaign with the support of Sheikh Khalifat, the ruler of the United Arab Emirates. He quickly had to retreat. After having sensitized many heads of state such as Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro, I advised Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for his speech at the UN General Assembly. He just said that it was an international crime that deserved international investigation. It was enough to cause panic in the United States. President Obama immediately intervened to calm things down. In reality almost all states do not want fuss and have given up on knowing. The USA is still an Empire. If there is a consensus it is not about 9/11, but about the danger of opening this file.

Do you think the 9/11 was a terrorist attack? Please kindly give us your reasons?

Terrorism is a military technique aimed at scaring the population. In this sense, 9/11 is a terrorist attack. However, today this term mainly refers to the jihadists and they have been accused by the Bush administration. They are obviously only scapegoats. This attack could only be carried out with the participation of ‘individuals within the US defense system.

What was the role of neoconservatives and the CIA in the 9/11?

It is not possible at this time to name the limited partners with certainty. At most, we can say that such and such a person seems involved. It ranges from the general commanding North-Amecian space (NORAD) to Benjamin Netanyahu. The only sure thing is that the official explanation of a group of jihadists in an Afghan cave is absolutely false.

How do you see the relationship between the 9/11 and Neocan’s plan for Afghanistan and Iraq invasions?

Afghanistan and Iraq wars were part of a single plan imagined by Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and theorized by his advisor, Admiral Arthur CebrowskiThe invasion of Afghanistan was planned before 9/11. The British and US fleets were already in the area. Pakistan had mobilized its troops in anticipation of an Anglo-Saxon intervention. On the contrary, the invasion of Iraq was decided just after the attacks. In reality the two wars are part of a single plan imagined by Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and theorized by his advisor, Admiral Arthur Cebrowski. It is about destroying all state structures in the region in order to prevent any revolt. This plan has been carried out in Libya, Syria and Yemen. Until now the US has only waged war with its enemies. Since 9/11, they have done it indiscriminately to their enemies and their allies. It’s just a matter of being in the wrong place.

Near two decades have passed since 9/11, and many questions remain unanswered. In your view, why is the US delaying in finding out the truth about what happened on September 11, 2001?

The United States does not especially want the light on these events. If the truth was established, the authority of all institutions which covered up this crime would be anenacted and with it any form of authority in the West. Donald Trump had promised to open an investigation. He had to give up.